Miss Thompson's 7th Grade Math CLass

What Will I Be Learning in 7th Grade Math This Year?

Welcome to 7th Grade Math! This year you will be building onto your math skills developed in 6th grade. There is a total of six units covered throughout the school year. Unit 1 is Ratios/Proportions, Unit 2  is Number Systems and Operations, Unit 3 is Expressions and Equations, Unit 4 is Geometry, Unit 5 Statistics, and Unit 6 is Probability. We will explore all of these domains together, where we will learn how to solve these various problem sets and also learn how we can apply our knowledge of these unit in our everyday lives. I look forward to accomplishing this fun and exciting math journey with all of you in August!

Meet Miss Thompson!

Hello! My name is Miss Thompson, and I will be your 7th Grade Math teacher this year! I have listed a few fun facts about me, so you can get to know me as we accomplish this new and amazing school year together!


Here are a few classroom resources that can help you and your child throughout the entire school year. I am happy to provide any additional information upon request!

Student/Parent Sites:

Miss Thompson Syllabus

Miss Thompson's Contact info:

Open House Video: Thompson.webm

Here is an Open House Video that shows you step-by-step on how to navigate my school website!