
How did it all happen?


Selecting the topic

Deciding your goal

Global Context

Criterion A

Inquiry Questions


Criterion B

Come up with a final product

Creation of the Rubric

Criterion C

Final product creation

Criterion D


Main Learning

Criterion A

Inquiry Question #1:

  • In the automotive industry which are the renewable energies that show the best performance?

Inquiry Question #2:

  • How is an engine built and how it has evolved to accomplish the new necessities?

Inquiry Question #3:

  • What are the experimentations done in cars that use eolic or other clean energy?

Criterion B

When I got to criterion B it was very easy for me, this because since the moment I chose this idea or topic for my personal project, I already had the product of it thought. This made this step very easy and fast to me, As I said I already had my product in my mind I just needed to design it, make a rubric for the product and to guide myself, and finally make it real. For the design I used an online page called Tinker-cad that allowed me to freely create a design of what was in my mind and make it visual, besides the fact that it was in 3D already.


Criterion C

PP product video.mp4