
Luciana Joven Martínez

  1. The action was to make the Somos Pacifico foundation known to companies that had no idea about the work of this foundation.

  2. We did well because the companies were super hooked on the work of the foundation and that when they have bacchantes they will call the foundation.

  3. I am proud because we were able to publicize this great foundation and that companies can see the great work that this company does.

  4. The most interesting thing that I have learned or that I have reflected on is that in the lives of low-income people, an opportunity is a path that helps them that they cannot miss because if a job presents itself they have to take advantage of it in order to have a better life.

  5. The skill that this exhibition helped me with is communication.

  6. A reflection that this presentation leaves is that we must be a more united community that together we help each other if we have the necessary resources to help people who are in a situation of vulnerability and also speak a little about my personality because I like it help people and this is a way to help people.

  7. After all this process I feel proud because I have achieved a lot in the exhibition

Samuel Caicedo Quintero

  1. I think that my action went well when we presented it to the business owners. We were confident of our topics and it went well.

  1. What I learned was that each person who lives in these neighborhoods has their own story for which they are there.

  1. I think that the most skill that I learned was Presentation skills because when we started presenting to the business owners I was very nervous but then I was better antill y du it perfectly.

  1. This project is a reflection of if we help a pur people to get a job we are helping his whole family

  1. I feel good because I am almost finishing the year and I think our exhibition is really good.

Tomás Clavijo Walter

  1. Our action was to make the foundation Somos Pacíficos known by those companies and people that do not know this foundation. And yes I am proud of my action because I thought that it wasn't going to work but it worked.

  2. The most interesting thing I learned was that sometimes people exaggerate things because they say that places like Siloe, Potrero Grande, etc are very dangerous but when we went there it wasn't so dangerous.

  3. The skills I strengthen were the ones of talking and expressing myself by talking. I strengthen the talking presenting to different persons from some companies.

  4. This project is a reflection of who I am because you show how you work individually, how you express when you are presenting, how you work in a team, etc.

  5. I am feeling a little nervous and happy, nervous because it is a very big project and happy because I am finishing primary.

Luciana Restrepo Escobar

  1. Our action is to make the Foundation Somos Pacifico known to businesmen, so that they realize this work and link and support this project through donations, or by employing people who belong to it. It went very well. We presented our project to four companies and they were all very interested in supporting this project. Yes, i am proud of what we achieve with my group, because we get the objetive of our action.

  2. I learned that there is a way to help vulnerable people, I also learned that no one can be discriminated and that in our country there is a lot of unenployment and a lack of opportunities.

  3. I think that the skills that I can strengthen are summarizing information, group work, conflict resolutions and tecnology, this can be achieved by helping each other, being more united and learning to listen each other.

  4. I think this project is a reflection of who I am because I considere that I am a caring person and I like to help others and with this project I can do that.

  5. After all I feel proud of myself and my group, proud of the beautifull work we have done and I want to present our work to everyone.