
Women and youngsters, the most impacted by poverty in Colombia

According to the Colombian Administrative Department of Statistics (DANE, for its Spanish acronym) in 2019, the poverty line was Col $327,674 (US $89.91) a month and Col $137,350 (US $37.69) for destitution. A household of four people is classified as “impoverished” if its monthly income is below Col $1,310,696 (US $359.63) and “destitute” if it is under Col $549,400 (US $150.74). Therefore the poverty line is above 1 Legal Monthly Minimum Wage (LMMW) or Col$ 828,116 (US $227.22).

By: Luciana Joven M.

Child poverty overview

Children born into poverty are more likely to experience a wide range of health problems, including poor nutrition, chronic disease and mental health problems. Poverty puts an additional strain on families, which can lead to parental mental health and relationship problems, financial problems and substance misuse

By: Luciana Joven M.

Conflict Among Poverty

The unequal distribution of the country's wealth and welfare resources affects Colombian people and is a cause of poverty. The country's income concentration is very high compared to the international averages. The per capita income of the richest ten percent is 46 times greater than those of the poorest ten percent.

By: Luciana Joven M.

There are ways in wich you can help people

There are many ways in which you can help people that are in extreme poverty, like giving them food, giving them money, or bring them to a foundation so that can be helped by more people. and if you are the one that is in extreme poverty you should try to save money.

By: Tomas Clavijo W.

Ways to save money

Save money is very important because if you are in poverty you should use each peso in a very good way, like not buying the newest phone if you are in poverty.Some tips are to buy just what you need have a budget.

By: Tomas Clavijo W.

How to help people who are in poverty

In this source you will find 10 Ways to help poor people. Some of these ways are donating money, clothes or food. Another whay is telling the stories of these people in the social medias for that what make them know for the outside.

By: Samuel Caicedo

Somos pacífico

Somos Pacífico is an innovative model of social intervention, which through public-private alliances and a training approach focused on culture, technology and income generation, provides opportunities and capacities that contribute to the construction of coexistence and peace.

By: Samuel Caicedo

Causes of poverty

The top 9 causes of global poverty - World | ReliefWeb › report › top-9-causes-global-poverty

You might be stunned to learn that the World Bank estimates that climate change has the power to push more than 100 million people into poverty over the next ten years. As it is, climate events like drought, flooding, and severe storms disproportionately impact communities already living in poverty.

By: Samuel Caicedo

Solutions to reduce poverty in Colombia

7 Solutions to poverty that will get us to 2030 | Concern Worldwide US › story › solutions-to-poverty

In thes source we can find solutions for poverty that Colombia can apply for being better. Some of these are increase axes to education and improve food security and access to clean water.

By: Samuel Caicedo

Understanding the nature of poverty

However you define it, poverty is complex; it does not mean the same thing for all people. For the purposes of this book, we can identify six types of poverty: situational, generational, absolute, relative, urban, and rural. Situational poverty is generally caused by a sudden crisis or loss and is often temporary.

By: Luciana Joven

What is poverty in Colombia

Yet millions of Colombians are still desperately poor. Poverty: Of Colombia's 49 million people, 27% live in poverty, rising to 36% in rural areas. Extreme Poverty: 7%, 3.5 million people, live in extreme poverty, lacking even the essentials of life. This figure rises to 15% in the countryside.

By: Samuel Caicedo

Acces to tecnology

Having access to Technology begins with something as simple, as acquiring or accessing a computer equipment that allows us to connect to the Internet and expose ourselves to what is generated there: content, ways of working, social interaction, among others. Colombia is one of the countries with the most difficulty in accessing the internet and this was reflected during the pandemic where study and work became virtual.

By: Luciana Restrepo Escobar


Education is what allows and promotes the acquisition of skills and knowledge to develop in many aspects of life.

The educational process occurs through research, teaching, example and training in general.

Education can come from parents who have studied and who give you an example, and provide a good education, or can came from educators who teach yuo.

By: Luciana Restrepo Escobar

Social justice

Social justice is generally focused on the fair and equitable distribution of the basic goods and services necessary for the development and development of a person in society, such as socio-affective well-being, education, health and human rights.

Colombia is one of the most unequal countries in the world, this is a necessary condition to achieve high levels of human development and more prosperous societies.

By: Luciana Restrepo


They are those situations that benefit you. That is, what aspects of your environment can help you achieve your goals. They are the situations that harm you. That is, what factors in your environment are going to be an obstacle to achieving your goals.The opportunities are many. But, like every opportunity, if it is not taken advantage of, it is lost.Our task is to capitalize on the moment and take advantage of each of these advantages, which will only be so if they give us competitiveness and products or services to sell to the world, to keep the good position of the country and achieve the high levels of economic and social development that the markets demand of us.

By: Luciana Restrepo Escobar


Employment is work release by a contract for which remuneration or salary is received. The hired worker is called the employee and the hiring person the employer.

Employment is all work for which a monetary income is generated, carried out by the employed population, that is, by the part of the active population that is working to obtain an economic benefit.

If a person have education can get a good job and can obtain all your basics needs.

By: Luciana Restrepo Escobar

Colombia low income

In this country, 34% of the population is in poor conditions even do the government has a thing that gives some money to people with very low income. Many people do not have a house and they live in the streets and when I say many are a lot of people.

By: Tomas Clavijo W

Inequality in Colombia

The Poverty in Colombia is very big because in some places people don't believe that because they living some specific places that aren't known for being very nice. And that is not real because there are people that are very intelligent in those places.

Discrimination in Colombia

In Colombia there is discrimination by some people because they are Afro-American, soy they think they are stupid but that's not real Afro-American can be very intelligent and many people think that's not real, like some companies so they do not hire people that is Afro-American