

1. What was my Action? How did it go? I am proud of what I have accomplished during my Exhibition?

Our action was to make an art piece of a turtle made with recyclable materials like water bottles, wrappers, plastic cups and more.When we made the decision to make a turtle made up plastic materials we decided that we were going the turtle all together but because of the situation in the country we decided that we were going to make our action by ourselves

2. What are the most interesting things you have learned?

During the process of my exhibition I learned many cool and interesting things about the bad use of plastic.For example I learned about incineration, which is the process of burning plastic and waste for making the process of decomposition faster.

3. What skills was I able to strengthen in my Exhibition? How?

In my exhibition I achieved to strengthen my abilities of group work, organisation and self- management since I controlled myself to work in the things that I was supposed to and organising my times in which I needed to work on the exhibition.

4. How is this project a reflection of who you are?

I think this project is a reflection of who I am because of the ways we investigate and participate and our interest in learning about this topic.

5. How do you feel overall?

I feel very happy and proud of my exhibition because we worked very hard for two months on this project that deserved it all because the final result was better than we expected and also because this project is very important for my academic life and I think that it was a very good result.

Maria Alejandra

This is my reflection

  1. Wat was my Action? How did it go? I am proud of what I have accomplished during my Exhibition?

What was my Action? How did it go? I am proud of what I have accomplished during my Exhibition?

Our Action was to make an art piece made of plastic materials and that could make people conscious about the damage we are making to the world . I am satisfied with everything me and my group have achieved. We put in this project with all our effort.

  1. What are the most interesting things you have learned?

I have learned the different impacts that plastic causes to the environment. I know now that there is so much plastic waste, that we can find plastic anywhere we go. I know now how plastic is made, and what the word plastic means and much more.

  1. What skills was I able to strengthen in my Exhibition? How?

Group Work : We are a group so we need to work together as a team so everything could turn up grat.

Summarizing Information : For us to get the information from the lincks we needed to record the mouse's important information.

Time Management : We needed to manage our time so we could have time to do other things.

Technology Skills : To do this sait, rait in a digital document and communicate with each other we needed to use technology.

  1. How is this project a reflection of who you are?

I am a very curious person and it was helpful for me to have lots of questions about plastic and I could investigate to find an answer for those questions. I am a very efficient person so I gave all my effort in this project .

  1. How do you feel overall?

I felt stressed because with everything we had to do I couldn't have time to rest. I felt happy when we finished and I was satisfied with what we did.

Maria Andrea

Our action was to make an art hobby that is about a turtle made with only recycled materials, specifically plastic, in a large part of the process it was without complications but also in many moments there were many complications, one of the biggest was that it was not I had hot silicone at home so I had to use cold and it did not stick as well what I needed to stick as the straws that are a large part of the materials that I use and I had to glue them many times and for each cigarette that I glued I had to wait 10 minutes to Let it dry and when I put another one it would not damage what I already had, my turtle is 3D but it was very difficult for the two parts of the turtle to balance and I had to try many mechanisms so that finally one worked for me and in that I was a lot weather.

I am very proud of my action because in general I am not very good at creating or assembling things and I think that a big part of my success was having dedicated so much effort and time to it, but in general I am very proud of my exhibition because although there are Aspects that are not the best things like the website is very complete.

During this process of the exhibition I learned very interesting things but one of the ones that most caught my attention was that the death of marine mammals per year due to plastics is registered and more than 1,200 species are impacted by the material in the oceans .

During this process I have strengthened and instilled habits such as organization and time management since I am not a person who puts these two things into practice very often but I believe that unconsciously this project will strengthen them without you realizing it because there are so many pending that You have to carry out that forcibly helps you both with time management and organization.

The teamwork and coexistence is excellent and I think that beyond how well we work together something excellent is that it has united us as friends and something even more cool was that both are new to the school so we did not know each other very well and We did not get together not because of friendship like many groups but because we had many equal thoughts and shared ideas about what we wanted our exhibition to be about.

In the group I work very well individually as well but I keep working on improving that.

The skills of technology are a bit of a difficulty for me and my group since none of the three have such an advanced skill but we also consider it an opportunity to learn because together we learn because we present the screen and gradually abercise things that we did not before. we knew and so while we do we learn

I strongly think that we are a great group when it comes to presentation skills since each of us has very important skills in terms of presentation and what one does not have the other can give.

The exhibition reflects a part of who we are because apart from investigating and presenting a topic in the presentation, you leave a bit of yourself, which lets others see who you are and each person when you tell or write something, you unconsciously leave your mark.

The truth is I feel very happy and proud because seeing what two months of work did are reflected in the final product, I am also excited and excited about the night of the exhibition, I do not feel that I am an introvert but I have to accept that at times I feel my heart in my stomach but I know that everything will be fine.