About Us

My name is Miranda Emilia Chacón and I am 11 years old. I was born on the 12 of November of 2009 Bogotá, Colombia, and at age 10 I moved to Cali where I currently live.

My hobbies

I like dancing, swimming and playing piano very much. I can say they are like my hobbies

My favorite books are the harry potter sagade

I consider myself a happy and creative person for mostly all the things I do.

My favorite series and T.V shows are Greenhouse Academy and Raven's Home

I have two dogs that are called Leia and Milú, leia is a Saint Beernard and Milú is a Creaole.

The music I mostly hear is Pop and Rock

I like to spend time with my family and friends playing games and having fun

Maria Alejandra Nossa

Hi my name is Maria Alejandra I was born on july 16 of the 2010 I 10 years old, I am from Bucaramanga, Colombia.

My favorite hobbies are reading, drawing, paint, doing activities and baking.I like to spend time with my family, pets and friends. I have 2 Dogs, 2 Bonies, 1 is a girl and the other one is a boy, and 4 litlle rabbits and 7 baby rabbits, and 2 fish. My favorite color is purple.


My favorite sprorts are suming, tenis, basketball and riding a bicycle.


My favorite series are neild it, And sugar rush.


One of my hobbies is to play the piano. I love to play the piano, it is very relaxing for me and I love to sing.


Baking is one of my favorite things to do. I know how to make cakes, cup kaces, cucis, muffins and a little oreo muffin.


I have 2 friends at school one is Miranda and the other one is Maria Andrea


My favorite food is macarons with cheese pancakes, cakes,hot dog, pizza, hamburger and cupcakes


I like all types of music but I like most pop, and pop music in english.

He is Lucas My Dog. He likes to to play with his ball

He is Zeus My Dog. He likes to play and Jump

These are my rabbit babies. They are very fluffy now because this picture is from wen they wer babies.

These are my rabbits, the male is caled Tambor and the female is caled Leona.

He is Tovi My Dog he likes to run all around and he is happy all the time

Maria Andrea Girón

I am Maria Andrea Giron Reyes.

I am 11 years old and I live in Cali, Colombia.

I was born in March 20th of 2010 in Bogota, Colombia

I love dancing and I practice every day as a hobby.

I consider myself a very creative person and one of my hobbies is drawing and panting, I don't do it so well but I de-stress.

I love cooking is one of my principal hobbies, mainly sweet food.

I love spending time with my family and play with them especially with my cosents.

this are some of my friends (there not all)

My favorite book is the book trilogy of all the boys I fell in love with,and and good night stories for rebel girls

My favorite type of music is pop,and reggaeton

grey's anatomy is one of my favorite series.

riverdale is one of my favorite series.

this is me!!!