Behavior Standards

Health and Safety

Treat each other politely and kindly.

Property Loss and Damage

Treat school and personal property respectfully.

Legitimate Educational Purpose

Follow reasonable teacher requests.

Be prepared for class.

Make a good effort and ask for help if you need it.

Serious Disruption of the Educational Process

Solve problems nonviolently.

Shoe Policy

In PE, safety is always first. This is why we ask all of our students to come to class with appropriate footwear. Wearing the wrong shoes can impact a student’s safety/success during activities. Shoes like boots, sandals, slip-ons, even dress shoes can get in the way of simple activities like running, jumping, and stopping. It is important for students to wear proper footwear in order to participate safely in class activities, and to be successful with those activities.

Examples of appropriate shoes consists of shoes that have laces/velcro and are designed for athletic movement (tennis shoes, basketball shoes, cross-trainers, running shoes, etc.).

Examples of Inappropriate shoes consists of Dress shoes (of any kind), boots, and sandals or open toe shoes, and slip-ons (toms, vans, crocs, etc.).