
In conclusion, resources are a necessary part of education and is a privilege that many low resource children in our country and in the world do not have. We need to learn how to value the privileges that are given to us at birth, and to help those who do not have them. School resources can demonstrate a significant role in a child's path and in their future. Better resources can be a pathway for a good future, and can affect the way that kids learn. Resources can generate a safe and friendly environment for kids, and can give a feeling of happiness. Everything is connected to the UN Sustainable Development Goal of Quality Education, and resources make a key part of it. 

-Pratham Dhyani

In conclusion we learnt that school resources are very important for kids' learning. I also learnt how the daily life of the girls in the foundation was and how my life and their life was very different. It was a reflection. Do we really use school resources correctly? Do we really appreciate  school resources? Sometimes you don't feel what others are living until you really live that moment with them. 

-Raquel Prieto