School & OSOC

Partnership for Success

By Sofia de L

‘One School One Community’ is a slogan that unites Caxton College in a happy, harmonious school. The Student Council plays a crucial role in making Caxton a united school. Co-President Inés said, “Teachers guide and help us for whatever we need, and by creating a link between the Student Council, Secondary Students, and staff we can create a very positive and enriching environment of community and support here at Caxton.’ This suggests the Student Council is working hard for OSOC.

The Student Council is the bridge between staff and students. It makes sure that our ideas to improve Caxton are communicated to teachers so that each student can make a difference and have their voice heard. Sebastian and Inés are proving to be outstanding Co-Presidents! Their biggest fear of being Co-President is that they won’t accomplish the task of pleasing both students and teachers, as well as living up to Eva and Argimiro’s standards. However, we know that they will do a fantastic job!

Additionally, the Student Council organises events that encourage students to participate in activities other than schoolwork. At these events, students show their talent, have fun with pupils from other year groups, and learn at the same time! Two such examples are Moves and the Food Fair. These occasions unify students from different years (eg. at the Food Fair, students meet pupils from other years, organising diverse countries’ stalls).

Behind the scenes, Moves is organised by our exceptional Co-Presidents! They have said that organising Moves is, “...challenging: we have to assign work to all members of the Student Council and there are various elements of organising Moves, such as mentoring, decorations, acts etc,”. Nevertheless, they are doing an amazing job.

Further, Inés stated, “Our main objective this year is to create a positive link between different groups ... We are trying to encourage a more environmentally friendly approach ... We believe it’s important to act as a community in response to events we are seeing globally.” This motion could include Ecosia and recycling bins at school. Overall, our Co-Presidents and the Student Council are essential to an effective OSOC.

Covid and School Events

Sofia P

Covid has affected us in many ways but... How will Covid affect the school events?

First, you all know, we have Covid restrictions: wearing the mask at all times, keeping a distance of 2 meters away and much more so we need to have this in mind before organizing any activities.

As you have seen, Valentine’s Day has been different. Instead of the student council coming in the classes and giving cards (which was very fun) from someone who loved or appreciated you, we had the same thing but online which was very interesting too!

Lets think about the food fair now. Some school students have been talking to me, this is what they said: ‘It it wonderful! What a great time we had!’

As you can see, it was wonderful! You could try up to five different food types that students had made and walk around the school building. Now, with Covid, it is going to be different... There will just be five countries available, those will be separated on different days starting on March and will be displayed in one class which will be decorated by students!

We also have some sportive events like the Athletics day. This year, it is going to be complicated but... the reps and P.E department are still working on it!

A look back at 2020: Charming Chitty Chitty Bang Bang

Sofia de L

This year, in preparation for the musical, ‘Chitty Chitty Bang Bang’, various students across different year groups were spending many lunch times and break times to rehearse and perfect every detail of the meticulously prepared musical.

This play is about a fictional dystopia, called Vulgaria, where children are banned and the Baron and Baroness rule mercilessly. Meanwhile in England, the world-famous car, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang is being fixed by the ingenious inventor, Caractacus Potts. An adventure unfolds when Truly Scrumptious, Potts and his children take a trip to the seaside and are ambushed by the Vulgarians. Grandpa is kidnapped and they must save him, the hidden children, Jenny and Jemima from the ruthless reign of the Baron and Baroness. The flying car, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang plays a critical role in the victory. The Baron and Baroness are banished and Vulgaria breaks into a new epoch!

Over a hundred people have been involved in making this event such a success: the actors, directors, musicians, people in charge of the lights and special effects, the making of the car, costumes, props, backstage crew, the scenery decoration and many more! Each one of them put in a great amount of effort to make this performance the best it could be! The directors, Ms Shaw and Ms Nugent, were the key engine that brought the exceptional play to life.

The posters that you have been seeing at school, advertising the musical, were designed by a very talented artist in Year 11... Mila Volo! Not only is she an outstanding artist, she is also an extraordinary actress! Playing Boris, the spy, she added an entire new level of comedy! She is a charming girl with lots of opportunity ahead of her! Some of her drawings are at the bottom! Additionally, Carla and Nicolas, in Year 7, received recognition for their ticket designs!

Overall, the musical was another gargantuan success for Ms Shaw, Ms Nugent and the student body! We can’t wait until next year’s theatre production!