Positive News Stories

Happiness is not by chance, but by choice

Alvaro A

The pandemic is having a drastic effect on all aspects of our lives. This includes our ability to carry out the same activities as we did before and how we deal with COVID-19 in terms of positive thinking. But is COVID having an effect in the amount of positive news we are reading everyday?

First and foremost, the dramatic circumstances we live in, couldn’t come with worse effects to ‘lectiophiles’ than the global effects we are experiencing now. With restrictions set in place as well as the closure of global events, more people are turning up to constantly read negative news, which is having a notable effects in terms of positivity and hope . That is why now we need positive news more than ever before to lift the spirit.

The pandemic has emphasised the importance of positive news for our well-being. COVID-19 has changed people from spreading negative news to actually spreading jokes and funny videos. This is because during lockdown, society has had the chance to understand how vital positive news is for our mental health. This could explain the massive shift in news reading to websites like

GoodNews or PositiveNews, which gave the escape for those people that received negative news everyday. This new positive way of looking at life with news like “52% of Americans Surveyed Say They Volunteered for the First Time During the Pandemic” (GoodNews) , has even motivated people to share some of their positive experiences during the pandemic for those people who are going through tough times; resulting in even some celebrities becoming better known for their affectionate personality. As was the case of an American singer, Miley Cyrus, who benefited during lockdown, making instagram live shows to keep people entertained during the COVID-19 pandemic as well as opened up to Apple Music about her journey to find sobriety after she “fell off” during the COVID-19 pandemic.

To sum up, during the pandemic, people have become more aware of the benefits of positive news on mental health. This may also have some long term effects in combating the depression we are experiencing nowadays. Happiness is not a chance, but a choice.