Current Affairs



Ysabel P, Year 12

9th of October, 2023. A military airstrike is launched on a camp for displaced people located in the Burmese state of Kachin, claiming the lives of 32 civilians, including 13 children. With the country in crisis and its situation growing only ever more dire, why has the world forgotten about Myanmar?


Charlotte C & Anna U, Year 13

The ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict, characterized by decades of tension and violence, remains a deeply challenging issue that has the world’s commitment to peace, justice, and coexistence. This is why it is crucial to highlight the importance of this current crisis and the victims affected. 


Stella L, Year 12

The ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict, characterized by decades of tension and violence, remains a deeply challenging issue that has the world’s commitment to peace, justice, and coexistence. This is why it is crucial to highlight the importance of this current crisis and the victims affected.