- frequently asked questions

Are there any clinical trials for medicines that could stop cavernoma from growing & bleeding?

Yes, here you can find a detailed summary of treatments in development:


What are the most common symptoms of a cavernoma in the brainstem?

The most common symptoms for brainstem cavernoma are focal neurological deficits:

Symptomatic brainstem cavernous malformations carry a high risk of permanent neurological deficit related to recurrent hemorrhage, which justifies aggressive management. 

More information about brainstem cavernoma:


Two minute educational video about the brainstem and its functions (by Neuroscientifically Challenged):


(Subtitles available in 15 languages)

Scientific article regarding surgical management of brainstem cavernoma:


Giliberto G, Lanzino DJ, Diehn FE, Factor D, Flemming KD, Lanzino G. Brainstem cavernous malformations: anatomical, clinical, and surgical considerations. Neurosurg Focus. 2010 Sep;29(3):E9. doi: 10.3171/2010.6.FOCUS10133. PMID: 20809767.

Covid-19 & Cavernoma

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(Please remember that we cannot give medical advice for your specific case.)