Training / Workshops

Evonne Hackett is an active learner and leader. After teaching high school business education for three years, Evonne moved to early childhood education and then to middle school. She earned her Masters of Education degree in Elementary Education from University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and then an Education Specialist Degree in Instructional Technology from Kennesaw State University. She now teaches Computer Science in a STEAM Lab environment to 6th, 7th, and 8th graders. Additionally, Evonne coaches the middle school First Lego League LMS Replay Team, mentors and facilitates a Girls Who Code club, and heads the yearly district Technology Competition. Among other certifications, Evonne is proud to be a Google for Education Certified Trainer, a Tynker Blue Ribbon Ambassador, and the president for the TN Valley N Georgia CSTA Chapter. She specializes in digital literacy, technology integration, and innovation in teaching and learning.