12th Honors British Lit.

"I write to discover what I know."

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Assignment #1

Tell me why you signed up for an honors-level Language Arts class for senior year.  You can either:

Both writing pieces should be double-spaced, 12 font.  Avoid telling me what you think I want to hear: honesty, for me, is more valuable than flattery. Choose authenticity (this does not mean the use of crude language) over the cliché.  Of course, if you are a walking cliché, I also understand that can be authentic as well.  

If you have an better idea about how to present this information, email me at gpeace.hhs@catoosa.k12.ga.us to propose your alternative.

Some Questions You Could Address:


Why It is Important: This is our first impression of you as a student. Your choice of assignment (paper, video, sonnet) will tell us something about you but so will how you present yourself in your work. Will you take advantage of the freedom offered here and turn in something that shows thought, creativity, and personality?

Assignment #2

Read a book from a fairly current New York Times bestsellers list (2019-2022; avoid the children and YA lists), from  or from Mr. Peace's curated list of recommended books.

Then, complete one of the following:

 All writing should be in MLA format. 

Why It is Important: This is our second impression of you as a student. You'll notice that we've tried to give you as much choice as possible when it comes to what you read this summer. That's intentional: your choice of book can tell us quite a bit about you. More importantly, though, the work you turn in allows us to see where you're at when it comes to reading, writing, and thinking critically, which further allows us to adjust our teaching as the semester begins. What can you already do well (thanks to your own efforts and the efforts of Mrs. Cosby, Tollett, McCole, et al.)? What needs some work? As we read your work, we'll be thinking about how to built on the former and target our teaching towards the latter.


If you consider yourself an interesting person, try one or more of these additional things over the break: 

Due Date: Monday, July 31st

Turn in your work to the assignments posted on Classroom. 

Email us at gpeace.hhs@catoosa.k12.ga.us or bwhited.hhs@catoosa.k12.ga.us if you have any Qs.