8th Grade Art

8th Grade Art

Mrs. Burghdorf

This class is a precursor to Studio Art. It will introduce some of the fundamental techniques used in the Visual Arts, and concentrate on the Elements of Art and Principles of Design. We will be creating two-dimensional works of art only, since we meet every other day, and for half of the year. You will also be introduced to a three-dimensional drawing technique called Linear Perspective, which will allow you to begin to draw more realistic spaces.


You will receive approximately 2-3 projects total for this class. If you do not finish by the given due date/the day for final critiques, you will still be required to critique your project unfinished, and will be responsible for completing the project on your own time (after school, study hall, etc.). You are responsible for handing it in to me when complete (I will not go searching for your project or imagine it for a grade).Your grade will remain MIS (missing) in School Tool until the project is given to me, which will then translate to a zero if unfinished by the end of the current mid-marking period and/or final marking period. If you choose to receive an incomplete, you will only have ten days to make up the unfinished work. Be sure to work at an appropriate pace, taking your plans and the given amount of time into careful consideration (this will eliminate any “down time,” which would have a negative effect on your grade).


For each project you are assigned, there may be practice sketches/drawings, and notes that you will be asked to write in your sketchbooks. If you are absent be sure to ask a peer what you missed and copy their notes. If a peer tells you that they received a handout, then it is your responsibility to ask me for one then (not the day of a quiz). You are required to keep your sketchbooks for this class in school and in your “cubby, because I will do random sketchbook checks for grades (I may not warn you when they are)!

Grading Policy: HW, Quizzes & Misc. – 10 %

Participation & Projects – 70%

Critiques (Written or Verbal) – 20%