SHS Learns

Sacred Heart School is a leader in Catholic school teaching and learning. Called by a higher mission, we work every day to create classroom communities and a school community that models the world that we wish to create - one centered on compassion and justice for all. We believe that all children were created in the "image and likeness of God" and have sought to honor that belief by implementing the best research in student-centered teaching and learning.

In order to achieve our goals, we have created a school culture where risk-taking is valued - both by teachers and students. We even have a 2-hour block each Wednesday that we title "The Learning Lab" - dedicated time and space to exploration of new ideas. On this site, we will document our journey in teaching relevant, rigorous, and religious centered lessons. We invite you to join us in reflecting on how to create a school that values innovative practices that promote Gospel values.

Current Successes -

In our school, we have established a culture of bilingual thinking and learning through

1- Having a dual-language immersion program from PK3-8th in English and Spanish

2 - Integrating the use of Visible Thinking routines throughout the curriculum

3 - Created an ongoing practice of data-driven teaching by utilizing formative and summative data to plan instruction

Current Explorations -

In our school, we are currently experimenting with a few instructional practices to help enhance and enrich student learning. Our current goals include...

1 - Designing relevant, cross-curricular, multi-disciplinary units of study

2- Integrating technology in meaningful ways (using ISTE standards as a guide)

3 - Integrating Catholic identity across the curriculum