Catholic Identity

What does it mean to integrate Catholic Identity across the curriculum?

The Archdiocese of Washington has a long and lengthy list of Religion standards to be taught and mastered during religion class. While it would be great to impart more catechetical knowledge on our students, we often find ourselves saying "we don't have enough time to cover all of this!" When teaching 7 different disciplines and 50+ standards for each discipline, one might agree "How do you fit it all in?"

Regardless of the number of standards, an even deeper calling of the Catholic Schools is to become places where students can learn and live the Gospel message. With this thought in mind, we have identified 7 dispositions, deeply rooted in Catholic teaching, that will be present across all of the disciplines - even those disciplines with lots of content to cover!

Catholic Dispositions to be nurtured in our young ones:

1 - Sacramentality - an ability to see God's sacred presence in our world

2 - Commitment to Parish Life - the disposition to be active members of our Church community

3 - Social Justice- an inclination to act on issues of social justice

4 - Care for Mother Earth - a commitment to taking care of God's great gift

5 - Respect for Life - an understanding and commitment to protecting all life

6 - Call to Sainthood - a desire to live a holy life

7 - Evangelization - an desire to share the Good News