


Networking is an essential skill to develop! In this round, students mingle with professionals as if they are at a business party. They must meet all of the attendees and engage with them. The professionals score students on eye contact, handshakes, and poise at the event. Students have only have 30 minutes to cover the entire room. We suggest that they try to speak to groups of three to four adults at a time instead of talking one-on-one. Prior to ending each conversation, the students should ask the adults to score their card. If they forget to ask a person to score their card, the adult shouldn’t remind them. One or more adults will be staged as a "Hidden Bonus" in the room, and the students are told that if they find the “Hidden Bonus” adults, they get a bonus 10 points on their card.  This shows students the importance of seeking out certain key individuals at events.  


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