Welcome to the Middle School Annual Project 2021-22!

In the life of any Middle Schooler, FOOD needs no reason to be celebrated. It features very high on their priority lists, right after Wi-Fi. In this age of online school, food can be the difference between simply surviving and really living. Food can be your friend on a lonely weekend, your inspiration to work out or cook out........food opens a window to the world you’re waiting to explore. It is only apt that we encourage our children to explore the length and breadth of this vast topic of study, as it influences and impacts their growing years, their moods, their fitness and even their intelligence.

Each class mapped a food related topic, picked an individual area of interest and then created independent projects to display their learning. The navigation panel contains the class-wise project topics and each child’s project presentation, curated by the teachers. The topic was linked across disciplines, and integrated into academic lessons over the past two months. The children attended talks by experts in the fields of agrobiodiversity and nutrition. We also had a food photography contest!

It is impossible to ignore that while food is available to our children whenever they want it, others are not so fortunate. For this reason, the children have contributed to a Food Donation Drive, which aims to give basic ration supplies to underprivileged families. Each ration package will cover one family’s meal requirements for a week – the Middle School children have donated 600 packages. Every package goes with a handwritten note; after all, food is best enjoyed when put together with love.

We invite you to explore this amazing world of food with us, as we enjoy what’s on our plates with a little more learning than we had before!

Feast your eyes on these artistic creations by our Middlers!

Take a Virtual Tour of the Winning Entries of the Food Photography Contest

Please accept all Cookies and click on the Play button for a Guided Tour to navigate automatically. Use a VR Headset if you like!

Happy Viewing!