
Scenario: robotic response team

In the case of emergency situations, robotic systems play a key role by enabling rescue teams to sense and act at a distance from the emergency site. However, emergencies may take place in any scenario, and there is no guarantee of a communication infrastructure or even access to GPS. In order to perform the mission successfully, there is a need for additional competences in the robotic systems. In that sense, this competition wishes to foster advanced developments on autonomous capabilities and seamless outdoor/indoor navigation for air and land robots, as these are important milestones to achieve for emergency robotic systems.

Photo credit: RockEU2

Photo credit: RockEU2

Robotic team competences

  • Outdoor/indoor autonomous navigation.
  • Obstacle detection and avoidance.
  • Speed.
  • Object recognition.
  • Accurate delivery of items.

A more detailed description of the missions to accomplish will be available here soon.

Preliminary description of tasks

Initially, the tasks and functionalities considered to complete this competition are the following:

  • Navigate autonomously from point A to point B as fast as possible. There can be obstacles and GPS-degraded areas on the way.
  • Reach the interior of a building, localize missing persons (e.g. a mannequin) and deliver first-aid kits.
  • Detect and recognize different markers both outdoor and indoor.
  • Build a map of the interior of a building.

A detailed description of the tasks to carry out during the tournament can be found in the rulebook.

Participating teams


Lodz University of Technology; Institute of Automatic Control

Team website

Lodz, Poland


King Abdullah University of Science and Technology; Robotics, Intelligent Systems and Control (RISC)

Team website

Thuwal, Saudi Arabia


ENSTA ParisTech

Team website

Paris, France


University of Zagreb Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing (UNIZG FER); Laboratory for Robotics and Intelligent Control Systems (LARICS)

Team website

Zagreb, Croatia

ENSTA Bretagne

ENSTA Bretagne

Team website

Brest, France

Week schedule

Monday 18th: Welcome and safety checks / teams practice

Tuesday 19th: Safety checks / teams practice

Wednesday 20th: ERL Emergency competition + SESAR-JU Special Prize

Thursday 21st: ERL Emergency competition + SESAR-JU Special Prize

Friday 22nd: ERL Emergency competition + GSA Special Prize

Saturday 23rd: ERL Emergency competition / Award ceremony