Module 2: Teacher-Student Relationship

Synchronous Session: Teacher-Student Relationship

Mini-Lesson: Teacher-Student Relationship

<FINAL> RBL Workshop Slides | Relationships
RBL Workshop Slides | Relationships

Asynchronous Session: RBL Implementation Continuum Playlist: Teacher-Student Relationship 

Teacher-Student Relationship  

Activity Materials

RBL Implementation Continuum Strategies in Action Playlist - Relationships | Teacher-Student Relationship Strategy

Synchronous Session: Instrumental vs. Reciprocal Focus in Relationships

Instrumental vs. Reciprocal Focus 

An instrumental focus involves a limited, one-way relationship in which teachers cull bits of information about students specifically to motivate them to behave well and focus on teacher-directed tasks. The relationships "were structured as a controlled means to a particular end: student compliance."  

A reciprocal focus require[s] teachers to gather complex information and develop a holistic understanding of their students, inviting the students to grapple with content and problems together. "These students not only learned to think for themselves, but also had adults who affirmed and responded to their thoughts and experiences. Such interactions prepared them to engage with authority figures, and to someday hold positions of authority themselves." 

Activity Materials

Team Activity File - Instrumental vs. Reciprocal Relationships

Team Activity Files - Instrumental vs. Reciprocal Focus

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Team Files - One file per campus/content team