IES Castillo de Luna in La Puebla de Cazalla, Spain, offers Obligatoy Secondary Education and two A-levels with four different specializations (Science, Social Science, Humanities and Technology).

The school also offers vocational education with two different training professional courses (Medium Grade Course on Administrative Management and Medium Grade Course on Welding)There are 42 specialists in different subjects to teach not only secondary but also high education. There are about 500 students between 12 and 18 years old. The  Psychology departement along with the teachers design special programmes for SEN students that are reaching  good quality results. Almost 100% of the students have passed their A-levels tests to go to University with excellent grades. The school has taken part in three Erasmus+ Projects the last three years about different topics. Training our students in a different way using new technologies and English as a second  language will help them to develop their skills and to know other cultures and other ways of working, as well as for their future professional careers. Our school has participated in lots of Erasmus + projects and we are taking part in three at the moment. Our main topics are respecting the environment and becoming aware of sustainable forms of development. The teachers who will actively take part in this project have participated in national and international projects to improve the quality of the teaching and learning process. They´d like to work in groups in which they can know different points of view about the same topic. Thereby, they can learn better by cooperating with their colleagues at the same time. 

We are very hardworking, enthusiastic and very interested in looking for new challenges.