Let's start!

We begin the journey of our KA122 project Sowing Sustainable Roots

Our students, very committed to the project, propose Eco-Sustainable messages so that we can contribute with daily actions to the maintenance of our planet.

At IES Castillo de Luna we are sowing sustainable roots.

Learning from our past successes

The students of IES Castillo de Luna have asked their grandparents what they did to recycle.

The result invites you to reflect!

Check out what our elders tell us in the following link:

Recovering habits

If you have been surprised by how we have lost ecological awareness and want to contribute to caring for the environment, follow the advice that our students offer you.

You can consult the tips in the following link:

Bursa Anadolu Lisesi

Our partner from the Bursa Anadolu Lisesi secondary school presents us Its work.


Check out its proposal at the following link: