Congratulations to Kevin and Maddy on the acceptance of their paper in Nature Structural and Molecular Biology!

Congratulations to Emily on earning funding for her F30 fellowship proposal!

F30 Title: Investigating the Structural Basis of Human Glycine Receptor Modulation for Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Congratulations to Eric and Emily for the acceptance of their paper in Nature Communications!

Congratulations to Kayla and Kevin for giving platform talks at the 2023 Biophysical Society Meeting!

"Structural Basis for Ligand Modulation and Partial Agonism of the 5-HT3R"

"Structural Basis for Cannabinoid-Induced Potentiation of Alpha1-Glycine Receptors in Lipid Nanodiscs"

Welcome Henock!

Hencok will be joining the Chakrapani lab to pursue the Ph.D. portion of his M.D./Ph.D. program in Spring 2023!

Welcome Anshul!

Anshul has joined the Chakrapani lab as a postdoctoral scholar, beginning August 2022!

Congratulations to Arvind, Kayla and Sandip for their recent publication in Nature Communications!

Congratulations to Dr. Chakrapani for her scientific achievements as a #WomenInScience being featured by Thermo Fisher Scientific on International Women's Day 2022!

Kevin accepted to attend the University of Michigan 2022 Cryo-EM data processing Summer workshop!

Congratulations to Eric Gibbs for being awarded a F32 Postdoctoral Fellowship!

Congratulations to Maddy Stauffer for winning the 2021 Department of Physiology and Biophysics Academic Award!