CASDA Newsletter | First Quarter 2023

At CASDA, we believe that student leadership is an often untapped yet extremely powerful resource that can have tremendous impact if utilized meaningfully. As such, CASDA's first newsletter of 2023 takes a look at how by fostering student's SEL competencies and prioritizing their well-being, we can start to create a space at the table for them to realize their potential as leaders in change.

Messages from CASDA

By Dr. Michael M. Piccirillo, CASDA Executive Director

This resource guide will explore two studies from the Empowering Schools Project, an endeavor which sought to identify, analyze and measure characteristics of empowering schools.

In this special EdCast Eudora Brennan, a Senior at Chatham High School, joins CASDA Executive Director Dr. Michael Piccirillo and Damonni Farley, Founder and CEO of Common Thread Consultants. Eudora shares her perspective on leadership, the power of student voice and the work of Chatham's DEI Club to build a more inclusive and equitable school environment.

A brief from the Center for Arts Education and Social Emotional Learning discusses intentional student empowerment through the lens of social-emotional learning, in particular, via the arts.

New CASDA Media and Programming

A recent CASDA EdCast and upcoming workshop both explore the importance of strong co-teaching partnerships to help students thrive.

CASDA Partners

During the 2021-2022 academic year, a diverse collective of K-12 educators, UAlbany students, authors, artists, and K-12 students engaged in arts-based inquiries into educational justice.

Two high school students shared their poetry and perspectives on a panel at CDWP’s Midwinter Retreat on January 14.

CASDA Awards

We are now accepting nominations for the following awards: Principal of the Year, Friends of Education, Outstanding District Leadership, and Excellence in School Board Service.