

Share Screen - begins sharing your device’s display to the screen in the room. When this button is clicked, the Vivi app will minimise into a floating toolbar. 

Play Video - Play a video directly from the internet, via the Vivi Box, or locally from your device. This feature gives high quality video play. You can also continue using your device while a video plays on the room's screen. 

Whiteboard - Contains a suite of features that allows you to annotate over either a whiteboard or a background image. 

Give Student Control - Shows a list of all the students that have connected to the room. From there, you can preview what is currently on the students’ devices or pass control of the room screen to them. 

Screenshot - This feature is active while sharing. Allows users to take a screenshot of whatever is currently being shared to the room screen and annotate on it if they want. 

Message Class (previously) Share Link - Send a message to everyone in the room. This message will be displayed on all connected devices in the room. 

Assessment - Allows users to run formative assessment questions with students who have connected to the room. This includes multiple choice, true/false, yes/no, and free-form. 

Polls - Allows users to run wellbeing emoji-based questions with students who have connected to the room.

Wellbeing - play breathing exercises and meditations from Headspace directly through the Vivi app.

Sharing Content

share_screen_as_a_teacher.mp4 (720p).mp4

To share content from your device to the screen in your room, select Share Screen. 

Once sharing begins, Vivi will minimize to the floating toolbar (refer to section 3.3 for further information on the Floating Toolbar).

Stop Sharing

To stop sharing, click on the Stop button in the floating toolbar.

Alternatively, if viewing the main page, you can stop sharing by:

Playing a single video

Vivi’s Play Video feature can be used to play videos from online sources, such as YouTube, or local files from your device. (This will not work to stream videos like from Netflix)

To play a single video, click on Play Video on the main Vivi page.

play_video (540p).mp4

One a video URL is entered or a local video is selected, click on Play Video.

Controlling Video Playback

When a video is playing, controls will appear at the bottom of the screen.

3.4 Play Video

Vivi’s Play Video feature can be used to play videos from online sources, such as YouTube, or local files from your device.

Playing a single video

To play a single video, click on Play Video on the main Vivi page.


One a video URL is entered or a local video is selected, click on Play Video.

Vivi is able to play videos from a wide range of online sources such as YouTube and Vimeo. You will be unable, however, to play videos from certain sources, especially those that require you to log in (such as Netflix or Disney+) as Vivi is unable to log into these for you.

Controlling Video Playback

When a video is playing, controls will appear at the bottom of the screen.

The top part of the control bar will show how many videos are in the queue (see below) and the name of the video currently playing.

Along the middle, the following controls can be used:

Along the bottom is a timer that also acts as a slider. Click and drag to jump to a particular point in the video.

Video Queues

If you want to play multiple videos in a row, select the Add to Queue button to create more spaces for you to add videos. Videos can then be added either from online sources or from the device.

To rearrange the order of the videos, use the ≡ button to click and drag them into a different order.

Once ready, click on Play Queue to begin playback.


Video queues can be saved as Playlists to access at another time or from another device.

To save a playlist, once all videos have been entered into a queue, click on Save Playlist.

Insert a name then click Create Playlist.

To load a Playlist, click on its name in the Playlists list on the side of the Vivi app. Then click Play Queue to begin playback. Alternatively, click on the ꞏꞏꞏ button next to its name and select Play Now to begin immediate playback.

If loading a Playlist on another device, only online videos will be included. Local videos will only be show if the playlist is loaded on the device it was created on.

To rename a playlist, click on the ꞏꞏꞏ button next to its name and select Rename.

To delete a playlist, click on the trash can icon next to its name.


Vivi’s whiteboard tool allows teachers and students to annotate over a blank canvas or to load a background image and annotate over that.

To use, select Whiteboard from a room’s homepage.

whiteboard (540p).mp4

Along the top, the tools available, from left to right, are:

If returning to the room’s homepage, annotations will remain in the whiteboard so users can go in and out as necessary.

In the middle of the screen, on the left and right sides, can be found:

On the bottom left of the screen, is the whiteboard toolbar. The tools available, from left to right, are:

Split Screen

split_screen_share (540p).mp4

Vivi’s Split Screen feature allows teachers to divide the classroom display into 4 and have different devices displayed on each one.

To activate Split Screen to share your device to one quarter of the screen, click and hold on Share Screen until the Split Screen icon appears (approximately 2 seconds).

Release the button and options will appear along the bottom allowing you to choose which quarter of the classroom display you want your device shown on. 

This could then be used to show multiple devices you have in your classroom, or could be used to also have students on the classroom display. For further information on giving students control of the classroom display, refer to section 4. 

Extended Display

Vivi can be used to extend your display on Windows and MacBook devices. When using certain apps, such as PowerPoint, this may happen automatically. However, to do this manually, use the instructions below.

On Windows

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