Google Assignments

How to make an Assignment with the Google LTI 1.3

This video is a great resource on how to grade with Google Assignments.

New for 2023 - You can choose if you want to grade in the speedgrader or in Google! If you choose Google, you get to use all the Google features inside of Canvas and it syncs to the Canvas gradebook automatically! If you choose speedgrader, it's just like reading a page and it's easy to add the score and click through to the next student.


Getting Started 

You can scroll through these slides for written step by step directions with links

Using Google Assignments to Grade and to View Student Work Before it's Submitted

All The Details

Canvas has been working with Google to launch the new Google Assignments LTI tool. Assignments, an application for learning management systems, gives educators a faster, simpler way to distribute, analyze, and grade student work—all through the collaborative power of G Suite. After a successful Beta, we are excited to announce it’s now generally available to all Canvas customers.

Over the last several years, the Instructure product team has been working with Google to transition the existing Google Apps LTI to the new Google Assignments tool. This transition allows Google to maintain its own integration with Canvas, which will result in greater attention and updates than Instructure has historically been able to provide. 

The existing Google Apps LTI (Google Cloud Assignments) is deprecated and will be removed from Canvas on September 1, 2021. 

What should I expect regarding the upcoming Google Apps deprecation?

Although the integration will be deprecated in September 2021, all instructor and student Google Drive files will remain intact.

A few benefits to expect from the new Google-owned experience include:

How is Assignments different than Google Apps LTI? 

Assignments includes all the current functionality of Google Apps LTI (excluding Collaborations, coming in Fall 2020), plus a ton of other great features.

What will I experience with Assignments? 

Assignments streamlines the creation and management of coursework, and tackles some of your biggest frustrations:

If you choose to grade with Assignments, you can also:


Other notable features of Assignments

1. 1.3 compliant. Google Assignments is available in the most recent standard via IMS Global, LTI 1.3. Google’s Certification

2. Google support for Canvas customers Only 

4. Security:  Assignments is secure by design and built to the same best practices as the rest of G Suite for Education, so you can rely on privacy and data security for your educators and students. Google never assumes ownership of your data—that belongs to your organization. And because Assignments is built for learning, it meets rigorous educational compliance standards, including:

Explore more details in the Privacy & Security Center. Also take a look at our contracts under “8.1 Intellectual Property Rights” to see details on your data ownership rights.

Video Resources