Create a GMail Filter for Google Classroom Notifications


This lesson introduces students to creating FILTERS in GMail and a suggested procedure for automatically moving all GOOGLE CLASSROOM NOTIFICATION EMAILS into a separate label / mailbox, so they are NOT in the GMail INBOX. The recommended filter leaves email notifications about "private comments" in the INBOX, however.


  1. Reduce email overload.

  2. Learn techniques for creating email filters.

  3. Help students learn to efficiently process email: Make decisions about whether they want to delete, unsubscribe, or create a filter for emails they receive.

  4. Increase the likelihood that students will see, read, and respond to "private comments" teachers share in Google Classroom.


Students should have a GMail account and be able to login on their computer or tablet.


  1. Ask students to open their GMail accounts and share:

    1. Their current number of UNREAD messages in their INBOX

    2. Their current number of TOTAL messages in their INBOX

  2. Introduce students to the term, concept and GOAL of INBOX ZERO

  3. Ask students to watch or present "live" the information included in the 6 minute video screencast, "Create a GMail Filter for Google Classroom Notifications."

  4. Help students create the GMail Filter shown in the video:

    1. Search for messages FROM "(Classroom)" that do NOT include the words "private comment" (This keeps these direct / personal messages from teachers IN the INBOX!)

    2. Choose to SKIP INBOX and APPLY A LABEL, which students need to create. This can be something like, "Google Classroom Messages."

    3. Be sure to choose "apply filter to existing messages" at the bottom before creating the filter.

  5. Students can EDIT the filter if needed to make changes to it.

  6. Provide students with time to process their email

Typical Student GMail Inbox WITHOUT Filters

Typical Current UNREAD / TOTAL InBox Student Email