Call for papers

The Call for Papers is now closed.


CUAHLE 2018 is seeking proposals for paper presentations on the following three topics:

  1. Working with standardized tests in a useful manner. The current generation of post-secondary students has undergone standardized testing during their entire educational career. But how have the data generated by these decades of tests been used? This strand seeks to examine the purposes, goals, and outcomes of student assessment, including mechanisms for feedback to improve learning and teaching, credentialing, and advocacy for the study of languages in the humanities and other disciplines.
  2. Assessing reading/writing across the curriculum. Second language (L2) studies in recent years have seen a growing interest in the role that texts play in L2 development. The profession has also seen increased interest in integrating language learning into content areas other than literary and cultural studies. This strand invites papers that examine the assessment of L2 development and content-area expertise, including the following topics:
      • Insights from and connections with English composition and professional writing programs
      • Reading-to-write instruction
      • Genre-based pedagogies
      • Multiple literacies
      • Humanistic inquiry/humanities learning
  3. Assessment in articulation with community colleges or other partner institutions. Rising costs in higher education and an increased focus on vocational skills have led to more students choosing to attend two-year institutions. This strand invites proposals that showcase successful models of articulation between two- and four-year institutions and that examine the issues in the creation of pathways and partnerships between different types of institutions.

CUALHE 2018 will also consider proposals that do not fit into these three strands. Innovative work in useful language and humanities assessment could include, but are not limited to, the following topics:

      • Outcomes assessment at distinct points in education (e.g., first-year experience; completion of language requirement; major/minor requirements; graduate degrees/requirements)
      • Outcomes assessment of different abilities, knowledge, and dispositions, e.g.:
          • cultural (e.g., intercultural competence; historical knowledge)
          • humanistic (e.g., critical thinking; aesthetic capacity)
          • linguistic (e.g., proficiency; pragmatic/sociolinguistic competence)


  • Submissions should be sent as an email attachment (word/pdf file) to
  • The abstract filename should be labeled “PresenterLastnameCUAHLE2018” (e.g., “SmithCUAHLE2018”)
  • Deadline for proposal submissions is Friday, June 29, 2018.

Submissions should include the following:

  1. Author(s) contact information
      • Full name of principal presenter along with contact information (affiliation, telephone, email). All return correspondence will be to this individual.
      • Full names, affiliations, and email addresses of co-presenter(s), if any
      • AV equipment required
  2. Presentation details
      • Presentation title (15-word limit)
      • Presentation summary (50-word description to be included in conference program)
      • Abstract (300-word description of presentation for committee review)


Proposals will be evaluated by a committee of peers based on the following criteria:

      • Relevance to the CUAHLE 2018 themes and topics
      • Expectation of a novel, interesting contribution to knowledge/practice of useful assessment in language education
      • Clarity and evidence of a well-organized presentation

Notification of acceptance decisions will be made by July 16, 2018.