The Calm Corner
Take a deep breath...and relax.
Welcome to our Calm Corner. Self-regulation is a high priority skill in our world. Without it, people have a hard time keeping secure jobs, lasting friendships, and happy lives. At the same time, the stress in our world seems to be ever increasing. Below are strategies students can use to improve their self-regulation skills. Practice them regularly to see reduced stress and improved mood. We hope that this will bring more peace into your home.
These breathing exercises can be used to help children calm down or reduce feelings of stress. When practiced regularly, these strategies can help improve a child's daily mood.
Simple Coping Strategy
This strategy helps with practicing deep breathing. Use the sides of the triangle to concentrate on breathing in a way that helps with relaxing and lowering stress levels in the body.
The Hug Me Tree
Kids can let go of their worry by using this as a visualization in their mind, or the family can create and post a Hug Me tree in the home to be used when needed.
Calm-Down Sandwich
Kids can create a calm-down sandwich to take out anytime they need help remembering what coping strategies help them during times of intense emotion.
Sometimes our emotions get so intense that we feel out of control. This grounding technique uses the 5 senses to help children regain some control over their thoughts and actions.
Positive Self-Talk
Kids can a learn to change their emotions by simply changing the way they talk to themselves. Perspective matters!