Summer Reading Details

Dear Students, Parents, and Guardians:  

Bottom line: If you are signed up for an Honors or AP English course, you have a required Summer Reading assignment that will be due on the first day of school REGARDLESS of which semester you are signed up for the course.

Further explanation of Summer Reading assignment due date:

We are pleased that you have registered for an Honors or AP level English course at Croatan High. Your decision to enroll in our rigorous honors program is a reflection of your dedication to academics and your love of language.  In preparation for the course, this summer you will complete a reading assignment that is both challenging and enjoyable.  

Honors Summer Reading assignments are due on the first day of school in fall semester -- August 29, 2023 -- regardless of the semester you are enrolled. Depending on the course, supplemental work may be due at the same time. 

Please note: If you transfer into an Honors course late in the summer, you will still be responsible for the summer reading assignment. Please contact your teacher IMMEDIATELY in order to find out further details.

Please continue to attend to update emails and announcements.

Follow the links below for details for each course.  There is a teacher contact name and email address listed on the specific grade level assignment for you to contact with any questions. We look forward to discussing these readings with you soon!  


The Croatan High School English Department

Honors English I

Honors English II

Honors English III 

AP English Language & Composition

Honors English IV 

AP English Literature & Composition