CCPS NCCAT CTE Teacher of the Year

The North Carolina Center for the Advancement of Teaching (NCCAT) Career & Technical Education (CTE) Teacher of the Year process was developed to honor and retain excellent CTE teachers and education leaders in North Carolina public schools and public charter schools.


Honor CTE teachers.

Retain excellent teachers in both the profession and NC public schools.

Encourage all NC school districts to celebrate CTE teachers as a method of retention.

Build relationships with districts and schools in North Carolina.

 NCCAT CTE TOY Eligibility Requirements:

Nomination by teacher's school district or charter.

Successful completion of at least 5 years of teaching in a NC public school.

Employed full time as a CTE teacher during nomination year.

Must teach students directly for at least 70% of the time.

CCPS NCCAT CTE Teacher of the Year Winners

2022-2023-- Angela Werhner CHS 

2023-2024-- Mikie Broadhurst BCMS 

2024-2025-- Angela Werhner CHS