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Mortimer - Laycox Performance 

Mr. Chang Interview 2022

Asking Kids a Question at Recess

Ms. Bianchi's Kinder

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Christmas Interview

Fremont Band/Choir concert

Mr. Breikreutz's 4th grade

Ms. Bodenstine's Kinder Class

Mrs. Van Pelt's Class

Part 2 of Thanksgiving Interview

Thanksgiving Question to Mrs. Laycox's Kids!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanksgiving Interview Part 1

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Mrs. Millers 2nd Grade Class

Veterans Day

Interview with Dayra

Mrs. Chavez's Kinder Class

Halloween Costume (Teachers)

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Mrs. Owens 2nd Grade

Week of Respect

Mr. Whitmore and Respect Week

Mrs. Odens 1st Grade

Mrs. Lacox's Kindergarten

Mrs. Boholst's 3rd Grade

Mrs. Slamons 4th Grade

Ms. Bianchi's Kindergarten

Mrs. Maiden's 4th Grade

Mrs. Salazar's  Kindergarten

Mrs. Mouradian's 5th grade