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Fremont Field Day 



Farewell Fremont!

It's that exciting time of year when our 5th graders say goodbye to elementary school and hello to middle school! We wish them luck at their new school!

Artist: Jonalyn 5th Grade

FFNEWZ Survey:

What Will You Miss MOST About Fremont?

FFNEWZ asked 5th graders what they will miss the most when they are in Middle School. Teachers for the win! The second most popular choice was having more recess time.

Fremont Staff Shows Off Their Surprise Synchronized Swimming Skills

Carson City Mayor Visits Fremont to Celebrate Excellent Attendance

May 24, 2024

Carson City Mayor Lori Bagwell visited Fremont to help award students for attendance. Some students won gift cards from Yogurt Beach while others won stuffed animals. These students had to have excellent or most improved attendance to be entered in the prize  drawing. The biggest prize of them all was a brand new bike!  One lucky winner from each grade level gets a brand new bike thanls to our sponsors The Bike Smith, Greater Nevada Credit Union, and Campagni Auto Group. 

When FFNEWZ asked 5th grade Eddie what it was like to win a brand new bike, he said it was cool and that his mom sent him all the luck. Eddie did not miss one day of school for the 2023-2024 school year. What advice would he give students who struggle to get to school? "Find something you love to do that keeps you going. For me it was band," said Eddie.

Fourth grader Jeff also had perfect attendance last year. When asked if it was hard to get to school every day, he said "Not really. You just gotta power through."

Vice Principal Mr. Hurzel says he hopes  these awards keep going next year to encourage better attendance, which has been a challenge ever since the Covid pandemic. 

Congratulations to all of our prize winners! Keep up the great work!


Second grader Donald Sperry is already a master coder. He is the first second grader at Fremont to achieve mastery of the 2nd Grade coursework on 

FFNEWZ asked this hard working student how he did it. "I finish my work fast," he said. He says he loves the challenges of coding and the custom coding games. Does Donald want to be a coder when he grows up? No, he says he wants to be a firefighter or a teacher. He also shared that his favorite food is pizza! 

Teacher Spotlight: Ms. Maiden

FFNEWZ: What are your favorite hobbies?

Ms. Maiden: Hiking, yoga, skiing, paddle boarding, golfing.

FFNEWZ: What is your favorite sport?

Ms. Maiden: Golf

FFNEWZ: What was hard about becoming Fremont's P.E. teacher?

Ms. Maiden: Learning everyone's names!

FFNEWZ: What is your favorite game to play with kids?

Ms. Maiden: Scooter games! 

FFNEWZ: What is your least favorite exercise to do?

Ms. Maiden: Toe touches.

FFNEWZ: What about your favorite exercise?

Ms. Maiden: The plank!

FFNEWZ: What is your favorite food?

Ms. Maiden: Tacos!

FFNEWZ: Why did you decide to become the P.E. teacher and leave fourth grade?

Ms. Maiden: The honest truth is I can wear comfy sweatpants and athletic shoes. Plus, I get paid to throw balls at children!!! 🤣

Reported by Luca, Airalyn, Paige, Nesvy, and Ana

Ms. Maiden's Top Ten Tips For Staying Healthy

In honor of Ms. Maiden's favorite exercise, the plank, FFNEWZ sponsored a 5th grade plank challenge on May 18th for anyone who was up for some ab burning fun. 

What's the best thing to do after eating lunch? Probably not the plank, but that's what we did anyway.

5ht graders gathered around as some brave kids with strong muscles fought for the title of Longest Plank holder.

After a couple of minutes we were down to two competitors-Luca and Brycen. Both were in it to win it!

After an astounding 25 minutes, it was a called a tie. Brycen's prize? A Big Mac. Luca went with Dutch Bros.! 

Did You Know?

The Guiness Book of World Records for longest abdominal plank (male) is 9 hours, 30 minutes, and one second. 



Fremont Falcons Sing Their Hearts Out For Choirpalooza

Thursday March 14, 2024

Fremont's talented choir students participated in the 11th annual Choirpalooza. "The students worked very hard and represented Fremont very well," said music teacher Mrs. Cosens. "I am so proud of them," she added.

This event is a district-wide collaboration between elementary, middle, and high school choir students. All in all, there were about 400 singers on stage. 


What Do Leprechauns Do For Fun?

FFNEWZ Special Report: Leprechauns have weekends just like us. So what do they do? Reporters Logan and LJ investigate. 


Fremont Celebrates National Reading Week

Fremont celebrated National Reading Week with dress up days, guest readers, Drop Everything and Read Time, and much much more! 


Fremont and Lions Club Team Up To Collect Glasses

What should you do with old eyeglasses? Throw them in the trash? No! Donate them to the Lions Club. The Lions Club will take used eyeglasses and decided which pairs can be donated to a person in need. This program keeps perfectly good glasses out of the dumps and helps people in need all over the world. Last year Fremont donated over one hundred pairs! 

Reporter: Paige 5th Grade with Mrs. Mouradian

What Would You Do If You Won the Lottery? Reported by: Bella, Lilli, Ana, Paige, and Cherry

FFNEWZ asked teachers how they would spend the big bucks. Third grade teacher Ms. Mukherjee said she would love to go on a cruise across the globe. First grade teacher Mrs. Laycox would also travel the world, and then spend the remaining money on a cabin in the woods and a donation to the animal shelter. Music teacher Ms. Cosens said she and her husband would take time off work and move somewhere warm, like Arizona,-by the Grand Canyon. Here is what some other teachers had to say:

Mrs. Edmonson

"If I won the lottery I would be nice and help my family out a little bit with some of the money but I would use the rest to travel the world with my family."

Ms. Foster

"I would pay off my student loans, then I would pay off my sister's student's loans. Then I would use the rest of the money pay off my parents' house and I would put down the money to buy a house for myself."

Mrs. Shank

"If I won the lottery, the first thing I would do is put some money in place to help the homeless. I would start a program to help them get back on their feet, give them a place to stay, help them find jobs, if possible. I would also buy a house. Gotta do something for myself! I would also help my family pay off bills, things like that."

Ms. Garcia

"If I won the lottery I'd buy a big, fancy house."

Ms. Quisenberry

"If I won the lottery I would pay off my sister's house, and probably buy a house."

Ms. Bodenstein

"If I won the lottery I would first pay off my debts. Then I would donate some to charity. I would save some, then I would travel."

Mrs. Winkler

"If I won the lottery I would buy a bigger house, and take my family on vacation to New Zealand."

Fun Facts About the Lottery

Reported by: Cherry 5th Grade 


Fremont Falcons Share the Love 😍😍😍

Valentines Day 2024    Photography By: Paige 5th Grade

Fremont Falcons Celebrate 100 Days!

Ms. Torres


Mrs. Laycox 1st Grade

Mrs. Laycox 1st Grade

Mrs. Gentine 1st Grade

Mrs. Oden 1st Grade

Fremont PTA Holds First Annual Mitten Coloring Contest: Congratulations to the Winners!!! Way to go Falcons!!!


1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade


FFNEWZ asked staff and students which holiday treat they thought they could live without. Fruitcake was not the favorite....over half responded that this was a sweet treat that could go!

Falcons Ready to Welcome Christmas!

Fremont's fifth graders sang Christmas Carols on December 1st. Some of the songs included Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer, Feliz Navidad, Santa Claus is Coming to Town, Jingle Bells, and Oh Christmas Tree. After the carols were sung there was a countdown and everything was lit up. The crowd was excited to see the kids sing and the lights.

Reported by: Paige 5th Grade


Fremont Prepares for Tree Lighting Ceremony 

November 27, 2023


Carson City's Capitol Building

Fremont's choir students are putting in extra practice for the Silver & Snowflakes Festival of Lights Annual Holiday Tree Lighting. "We are excited to sing!" says 5th graders Milagros and Isela. This ceremony has been performed since 1988.  Fifth grader Bella says there are thousands of handmade ornaments on the tree.
I am so excited to perform," she added.  Fifth grader Julie says she is excited about the lights. 

Ms. Cosens: 10 Things You Might Not Know About Me

Second Grade Visits the Olde Lyfe Apaca Farm!   November 17, 2023

Fremont Loves Turkey, But What Goes Best With It? Fremont Students and Staff Vote In!

It's a tie for mashed potatoes and mac and cheese!!!!

Meet Mr. Mick!

Mr. Mick answers 5th Grader Gisella's questions about working in Special Education.   November 2023

Why did you choose to be a special ED teacher?

I chose to be a special education teacher because I felt like it was a career where I could make a difference in the lives of students with disabilities. All students need to feel cared for and supported, and I am lucky enough to support a wonderful group of students at Fremont.

 What do you think is the most important part of your job?

I think the most important part of my job is making sure that all of my students have access to as many opportunities to learn, make connections, and be as fully included as possible.

 What do you think is the hardest and easiest  part of your job?

I think the hardest part of my job is making sure that all of the things I want to do/try are happening the way that I want to (as often as possible). The easiest part of my job is caring for my students, advocating for them, and making sure that they are as successful as possible.

What do you do in class?

In class, my students learn the same types of things being learned in other classrooms, just differently. We use lots of pictures, repetition, and learning in many different ways. We also work on all types of skills needed to live a successful life.

How do you run your class?

I run my class like other teachers; I hold my students to high expectations and do everything that I can to help them succeed. We have lots of fun and love to see where the day ends up taking us!


Breaking News! Zombie Infection Hits Fremont!

October 31, 2023

On Halloween, October 31, 2023  fifth grade students at Fremont Elementary began turning into zombies. A fifth grader who wished to stay anonymous was behind a camera and caught the terrifying scene. “It was surreal, like right out of a movie,” she said. Another student added that it was the “scare of the century.” Fifth graders were attempting to infect others all over the field. There are still survivors, and the hosts are unknown. 

Reported by: Gisella and Bella 5th Grade

Happy Happy Unicorn!

Under the Sea!

Book Fair Is Here!

FFNEWZ asked Fremont's amazing librarian Ms. Moffat what she thinks are the Dos and Don'ts of the Book Fair.

The main piece of advice is: BUY A BOOK. It's called a Book Fair after all. She also added that backpacks and purses are not allowed in the Book Fair. Small wallets are okay. It's also a good idea to put your names in your books and make sure you take care of your purchases. For example, if you buy a journal that comes with a key, the key cannot be replaced if you lose it.

DO line up quietly and patiently in a straight line. Remain quiet while waiting.

DON'T play in the hallway, or make a lot of noise while waiting.

DO hold on to your money when shopping. Talk to your parents about what they want you to spend.

DON'T put your money down when shopping. Somebody might take it, or it could get lost. 

FFNEWZ Reporters Show Their First Picks From This Year's Book Fair: Looks Like Graphic Novels are Going to be a Hit!

"I want this because the story has been with me since I was little."

5th Grader David

"I like this Stitch book because it has a lot of fun activities and Stitch is super cute."

5th Grader Paige

"I want this for my sister. She loves My Little Pony." 5th grader Justin

"I want this because it's a fantasy book. The movie has been out for a while." 5th grader Bella

"I want this book because EVERYONE loves Lilo and Stitch and I love the style." 5th Grader Cherish

"I want this book because it is spooky but it is also wholesome." 5th grader Jonalyn


Fremont Supports Coat Drive

Donations Should Be Dropped Off at the McKinney Vento Office on 618 West Musser Street

Reported by Luca and Bella

FFNEWZ Wants to Know! What Do YOU Want to Be For Halloween?

Reported by Ana and Lilli

What do Fremont Students Like Best About Halloween?

Looks like candy is the winner!

October 2023

Lego Robotics Team Returns!

Now called the Cyber Falcons, Fremont's Lego Robotics Team is working hard to place in the Top 10 at December's competition. Their mission? To program a robot to complete as many tasks as possible on a game table in two minutes. It looks like a table full of toys, but the team needs to use a lot of math and advanced programming skills to accomplish each mission.  When asked what the best part about robotics is, team member Gisella said she likes the workshops and seeing what other teams are doing with their robots. When asked what the hardest part about robotics, fellow member Elliot said, "Definitely the coding. It's one the hardest things you can do in your life."

October 2023

Robot Building Workshop

Fremont's Robots: Gigachad and Bill Nye

Sample Mission Code


Excited for 5th Grade?

Reported by Paige

October 2023

We asked some 4th graders how they felt about being in the 5th grade next year. Most kids were feeling scared or anxious!

5th Graders Have a Blast At The Reno Air Races!

September 15, 2023

Fremont 5th graders got to check out the booths and planes at the Reno Air Races. They learned about the planes raced and got to go into a big military planes. 

"My favorite part was watching the planes fly," said 5th grader David. 

"I liked it when we got to go under the airplanes and see the replicas of bombs," added his classmate Gisella. 

In fact, touching the bomb replicas was a fun experience for many students. 5th grader Bella added that going inside the planes was interesting. 

It was a cool experience because this was the last time the Air Races will be in Reno, NV.

Reported by: Preston and Paige


Q: How did you become interested in counseling kids?

A:  When I was still an undergrad at UNR, I completed an internship at Carson Middle School. I really liked it there but I decided I wanted to try something different. I then went on to work with adults at Nevada Legal Services and Rural Nevada Counseling. I soon realized I missed working with children/youth and really enjoyed what I used to do at my internship. I’m glad to be back in a school social worker position. 

Q: Why did you pick Fremont? Are you happy you did?

A: After my interview for Fremont, I was really excited to meet some of the awesome staff members that are here every day. It only got better after that once I started meeting the amazing kiddos that go to school here. I am very happy to be here and part of the Fremont Falcons. 

Q: Have you learned all of the students’ names yet?

A: No, but I am trying to learn a new name every day! If you see me around at lunch or in the halls please say hi 😀

Q: What kind of pets do you have?

A: I am a proud dog mom of Lucy and Spooky. I have a chicken (Chick-a-dee) to keep them company. 

Q: What is your favorite thing about Fremont? 

A: My favorite thing about Fremont is how welcoming every student and staff member is! I am excited to come to work every morning. 

Thank you for interviewing me! 🤗

Can you guess whose chicken this is ?????

Answer: Ms. V! Our new counselor! This is Chick a Dee.

Fun Fundraiser Meets Goal!

Reported by JW, Amethyst, Daniel, Emma, Madelyn, Derian, Katherine, Addyson, Johanna, Sophia, Larissa

Students from all grade levels at Fremont Elementary in Carson City raised over $6,000 by collecting pledge money for the Fun Run on May 19. 

Students dribbled soccer balls, jumped rope, completed crab walks, and raced each other. Each grade level ran and played games for approximately 20 minutes. 

PTA member and run organizer Rosalyn Cox said the Fun Run raised about $6,500. She said the fundraiser cost about $500 to set up, including student prizes. 

"My favorite part was the day of the race when I saw all of the kids having so much fun," she said.

"If you donated over $5, you were given a ticket to enter into a drawing for prizes for gift cards, t-shirts, and more!" said prize winner Amethyst.

The PTA will use the money for equipment and future events. 

Principal Dr. Ward and Vice Principal Mr. Hurzel promised to eat lunch on the school roof if the school its fundraising goal of $5,000.

Fremont’s Got Talent

Reporters: Katherine, Eric, Emma, Alex, Sophia, and JW

Fremont Elementary School had a talent show in the multi-purpose room on May 12. The show featured thirteen students with unique talents and personalities. The show started off with a performance of the Star Spangled Banner by 4th grader Callen, followed by musical and dance acts, a card trick demonstration, and a gymnastics/baton act. Fifth grader Emma helped as a MC at the event. “Everyone loved the show and all of the performances. The students were really respectful of the performers, she said.”

Emma’s fellow MC Eric agreed. “Everyone was very well-behaved and the performances went well.”

"I believe that it is important to highlight our students talents in a fun way," added Principal Ward.

FFNEWZ Gives A Special Shoutout to Our Amazing Cafeteria Staff


FFNEWZ Asked 5th Graders to Drop Everything and Dance At Recess! They did NOT Disappoint!