Digital Learning

Fourth - Fifth Grades

Please log in to your STEM Lab Google Classroom and work on the assigned Scratch activity.

Click the link in your Google Classroom, your nickname is your first name and the first three letters of your last name. Use your imagination and create something using multiple shapes. Save it as your name and random.

Click on the image to watch a read-aloud of The Magnificent Thing. Then click on the “activity link” to complete the assignment.

Ever wondered what it is like to be a Disney Imagineer? Khan Academy and Disney have partnered up during this unusual time to allow us behind the scenes access to how the magic is created in a unique way. Click on the link above and see where your imagination takes you!

Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical gardens virtual field trip available every day at 3:00. This will be done on Facebook Live.

They will focus on a different animal every day. Log in and learn something cool about a new animal

Louis Braille wanted to make reading easier for other blind people so he created a code of raised dots. Can you write a message in Braille?

Click the video above to learn about Louis Braille and then click underlined link to the Braille alphabet. Write a message and send it to me in google classroom, google docs, or through the Facebook page.

Click the book cover and watch the read aloud of the story. Once you have completed the story complete the following activity.

Do batteries really power the world? Go on a scavenger hunt to find things powered by batteries, batteries that both need to be changed as well as charged up. What kind of batteries can you find? How many things do you use on a daily basis that require a battery? What would happen if we ran out of batteries and had no power?

Elementary Winter Activities Guide.pdf

Elementary Winter Activities Guide.pdf

Immerse your child in a hands-on experience to help them see and touch science directly. We’ve gathered three Connecting with Your Child hands-on activities that are easy for parents, family members, and children to do together at home. These three activities focus on some of the most commonly misunderstood elementary school scientific concepts: the behavior of light (K-1st grade), changes from heat (2nd-3rd grade), and information technologies (4th-5th grade).