Yunxiu Li

Contact information:

· Address: 5532 30th Place, Washington DC, 20015

· TEL: (202)7669749

· E-mail:


· 9/2015-present:

PhD student

Major: Mineralogy, Petrology, Ore deposit geology

School of earth and space sciences, Peking University, Beijing, China

Ph.D. Advisor: Prof. Lifei Zhang

· 9/2011-6/2015:


Major: Geology

School of earth sciences, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China

Thesis Title: “Geochronology and geochemistry of Neoarchean granitic rocks in the Dengfeng Complex, North China Craton: implications for geodynamic evolution”

Thesis Advisor: Prof. Timothy Kusky

Research interests:

· UHP metamorphism

· Precambrian geology

· Mineral phase transition experiment at high P and T

Research Skills:

· English level: IELTS Academic 6.5 (Reading 8.0, Listening 6.5, Writing 6.5, Speaking 5.5).

· Extensive knowledge of mineralogy, metamorphic geology, etc.

· Mastering the operation of EMPA, SEM, TIMA, RAMAN, LA-ICPMS, etc.

Research presentation:

· Yunxiu Li, Lifei Zhang, Cheng Xu (2017). “Petrography and Geochemistry Research of the Garnet Pyroxenite Xenoliths in Fengzhen Proterozoic Carbonatite Complex: Metamorphic evolution and geological implications.” Presented at the metamorphism and Precambrian geology conference (2017), Beijing, China.


· Deng, H., Kusky, T., Polat, A., Wang, C., Wang, L., Li, Y., & Wang, J. (2016). A 2.5 Ga fore-arc subduction-accretion complex in the Dengfeng granite-greenstone belt, Southern North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 275, 241-264.

· Zeng, L., Xu, C., Li, Y., Kynický, J., Song, W., Wei, C., ... & Deng, M. (2017). Petrogenesis and tectonic implication of Paleoproterozoic granites and granulites in the Fengzhen area of North China craton. Precambrian Research, 302, 298-311.

· Xu, C., Kynický, J., Song, W., Tao, R., Lü, Z., Li, Y., ... & Fei, Y. (2018). Cold deep subduction recorded by remnants of a Paleoproterozoic carbonated slab. Nature communications, 9(1), 2790.

· Xu, C., Chakhmouradian, A. R., Kynický, J., Li, Y., Song, W., & Chen, W. (2019). A Paleoproterozoic mantle source modified by subducted sediments under the North China craton. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 245, 222-239.

Awards and Scholarships:

· 2017, the first graduate “Academic Star” award for best style, School of earth and space sciences, Peking University, Beijing, China

· 2015, the climbing scholarship, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China

· 2014, the national inspirational scholarship and was awarded the "school-class outstanding student pacesetter" title