Research Articles Published

Mysen, B. O. and K. S. Heier: A note on the field occurrence of a large eclogite on Hareid, Sunnmore, Western Norway. Norsk Geologisk Tidsskr. 51, 93-96 (1971).

Mysen, B. O.: Five clinopyroxenes in the Harediland eclogite, Western Norway. Contr. Mineral. Petrol. 34, 315-325 (1972).

Mysen, B. O.: A note on Ti-rich biotite in the Hareidland eclogite Norsk Geologisk Tidsskr. 52, 2201-202 (1972).

Mysen, B. O. and K. S. Heier: Petrogenesis of eclogite in high- grade metamorphic terrane, exemplified by the Hareidland eclogite, Western Norway. Contr. Mineral. Petrol., 36, 73-94 (1972).

Green, D. H. and B. O. Mysen: Genetic relationship between eclogite and hornblende+plagioclase pegmatite in Western Norway. Lithos 5, 47-161 (1972).

Gronlie, G., B. O. Mysen and O. M. Bech: A gravimetrical investigation of the eclogite around Ulsteinvik, Hareidland, Western Norway. Norsk Geol. Tidsskr. 52, 305-311 (1972).

Mysen, B. O.: Melting in a hydrous mantle: Phase relations of mantle peridotite with controlled water and oxygen fugacities. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 72, 467-478 (1973).

Mysen, B. O. and W. L. Griffin: Pyroxene stoichiometry and the breakdown of omphacite. Am. Mineral. 58, 60-64 (1973).

Boettcher, A. L., B. O. Mysen and J. C. Allen: Technique for the control of water fugacity and oxygen fugacity for experimentation in solid-media, high-pressure apparatus. J. Geophys. Res., 78, 5898-5902 (1973).

Mysen, B. O.: The oxygen fugacity as a variable during partial melting of peridotite in the upper mantle. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 73, 237-240 (1974).

Mysen, B. O.: Phase relations of garnet websterite + H2O to 30 kbar pressure. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 73, 240-244 (1974).

Mysen, B. O., M. G. Seitz and J. G. Frantz: Measurements of the solubility of carbon dioxide in silicate melts utilizing maps of carbon-14 beta activity. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 73, 224-226 (1974).

Mysen, B. O., I. Kushiro and I. A. Nicholls, A. E. Ringwood: A possible mantle origin of andesitic magmas: Discussion of a paper by Nicholls and Ringwood. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 21, 221-229 (1974).

Eggler, D. H., B. O. Mysen and M. G. Seitz: The solubility of CO2 in silicate liquids and crystals. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 73, 226-228 (1974).

Eggler, D. H., B. O. Mysen and T. C. Hoering: Gas species in sealed capsules in solid-media, high-pressure apparatus. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 73, 228-232 (1974).

Muehlenbachs, K. and B. O. Mysen: A technique for quantitative addition of some gases to sealed capsules used in high-pressure equipment. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 73 605-606 (1974).

Krogh, T. E., B. O. Mysen and G. L. Davis: A paleozoic age for the primary minerals of a Norwegian eclogite. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 73, 575- 576 (1974).

Mysen, B. O.: Solubility of volatiles in silicate melts at high pressure and temperature: The role of carbon dioxide in feldspar, pyroxene and feldspathoid melts. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 74, 454-468 (1975).

Mysen, B. O.: Partitioning of iron and magnesium between crystals and partial melts in peridotite upper mantle. Contr. Mineral. Petrol. 52, 69-76 (1975).

Mysen, B. O. and A. L. Boettcher: Melting of a hydrous mantle: I. Phase relations of natural peridotite at high pressure and high temperature with controlled activities of water, carbon dioxide and oxygen. J. Petrol. 16, 520-548 (1975).

Mysen, B. O. and A. L. Boettcher: Melting of a hydrous mantle: II Geochemistry of crystals and liquids formed by anatexis of mantle peridotite at high pressures and high temperatures as a function of water, carbon dioxide and hydrogen activties. J. Petrol. 16, 549-593 (1975).

Mysen, B. O. and M. G. Seitz: Trace element partitioning by beta-track mapping - An experimental study with samarium and carbon as examples. J. Geophys. Res. 80, 2627-2635 (1975).

Mysen, B. O., R. J. Arculus and D. H. Eggler: Solubility of carbon dioxide in natural nephelinite, tholeiite and andesite melts to 30 kbar pressure. Contr. Mineral. Petrol. 53, 227-239 (1975).

Boettcher, A. L., B. O. Mysen and P. J. Modreski: Phase relations in natural and synthetic peridotite - H2O - CO2 systems ar high pressure. Phys. Chem. Earth 9, 855-867 (1975).

Mysen, B. O.: Experimental determination of some geochemical parameters relating to conditions of equilibration of peridotite in the upper mantle. Am. Mineral. 61, 677-683 (1976).

Mysen, B. O.: The role of volatiles in silicate melts: Solubility of carbon dioxide and water in feldspar, pyroxene and feldspathoid melts to 30 kbar and 1625o C. Am. J. Sci. 276, 969-996 (1976).

Mysen, B. O.: Coordination changes of aluminum in silicate melts: Evidence from data on carbon dioxide solubility in albite melt. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 75, 621-623 (1976).

Mysen, B. O.: Rare earth partitioning between crystals and liquid in the upper mantle. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 75, 656-659 (1976).

Mysen, B. O.: Nickel partitioning between upper mantle crystals and partial melts as a function of pressure, temperature and nickel concentration. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 75, 662-668 (1976).

Mysen, B. O.: Accurate modal analysis of experimental run products. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 75, 833-835 (1976).

Mysen, B. O.: Partitioning of samarium and nickel between olivine, orthopyroxene and liquid: Preliminary data at 20 kbar and 1025o C. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 31, 1-7 (1976).

Mysen, B. O. and A. L. Boettcher: Melting of a hydrous mantle: III phase relations of garnet websterite + H2O at high pressures and temperatures. J. Petrol. 17, 1-14 (1976).

Mysen, B. O. and I. Kushiro: Compositional variation of coexisting phases with degree of melting of peridotite under upper mantle conditions. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 75, 546-555 (1976).

Mysen, B. O. and I. Kushiro: Partitioning of iron, nickel and magnesium between metal, oxide and silicates in Allende meteorite as a function of oxygen fugacity. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 75, 678-684 (1976).

Mysen, B. O. and J. R. Holloway: Rare earth fractionation with controlled partial melting of peridotite. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 75, 675-678 (1976).

Mysen, B. O., D. H. Eggler, M. G. Seitz and J. R. Holloway: carbon dioxide in silicate melts and crystals. I. Solubility measurements. Am. J. Sci. 276, 455-479 (1976).

Eggler, D. H. and B. O. Mysen: The role of CO2 in the genesis of olivine melilitite: Discussion. Contr. Mineral. Petrol. 55, 231-236 (1976).

Kushiro, I., H. S. Yoder, Jr. and B. O. Mysen: Viscosities of basalt and andesite magmas at high pressure. J. Geophys. Res. 81, 631-635 (1976).

Holloway, J. R., B. O. Mysen and D. H. Eggler: The solubility of CO2 in liquids on the join CaO - MgO - SiO2 - CO2. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 75, 626-630 (1976).

Kushiro, I., H. S. Yoder, Jr. and B. O. Mysen: Viscosity of basaltic and andesitic liquids at high pressure. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 75, 614-618 (1976)

Eggler, D. H., J. R. Holloway and B. O. Mysen: High CO2-solubilities in mantle magmas: Comment and reply. Geology 4, 198-200 (1976)

Mysen, B. O.: Solubility of volatiles in silicate melts under the pressure and temperature conditions of partial melting in the upper mantle. Proceedings of the AGU Chapman Conf. on Partial Melting in the Upper Mantle (ed.: H. Dick) 1-12 (1977).

Mysen, B. O.: The solubilty of H2O and CO2 in the predicted pressure and temperature range of magma genesis in the upper mantle, and some petrological and geophysical implications. Rev. Geophys. 15, 351-361 (1977).

Mysen, B. O.: Partitioning of nickel between pargasite, garnet peridotite minerals and liquid at high pressure and temperature. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 76, 557-563 (1977).

Mysen, B. O.: Distribution of trace elements among phases during partial melting of a multiphase system. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 76, 541-545 (1977)

Mysen, B. O.: Partitioning of cerium, samarium and thulium between pargasite, garnet peridotite minerals, and hydrous silicate liquid at high temperature and high pressure. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 76, 588-594 (1977).

Mysen, B. O.: Magma genesis in peridotite upper mantle in the light of experimental data on partitioning of trace elements between garnet peridotite minerals and partial melt. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 76, 545-550 (1977).

Mysen, B. O. and J. R. Holloway: Experimental determination of rare earth fractionation patterns in partial melts from peridotite in the upper mantle. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 34, 231-237 (1977).

Mysen, B. O. and I. Kushiro: Compositional variations of coexisting phases with degree of melting of peridotite in the upper mantle. Am. Mineral. 62, 843-865 (1977).

Virgo, D. and B. O. Mysen: Influence of structual changes in NaAl1-xFexSi2O6 melts on Fe3+/SFe ratios. Carnegie Instn. Washington Year Book 76, 400-407 (1977).

Eggler, D. H., B. O. Mysen, J. R. Holloway and T. C. Hoering: Fluids in the system C-O in equilibrium with graphite at high pressures: Fluid species, solubilities in silicate melts, and effects on silicate phase relations. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 76, 448-454 (1977).

Mysen, B. O.: Limits of solution of trace elements in minerals according to the thermodynamic laws of dilute solution. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 42(6A), 871-885 (1978).

Mysen, B. O.: Experimental determination of rare earth element partitioning between hydrous silicate melt, amphibole, and garnet peridotite minerals at upper mantle pressures and temperatures. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 42, 1253-1263 (1978).

Mysen, B. O.: Experimental determination of nickel partition coefficients between liquid, pargasite and garnet peridotite minerals and concentration limits of behavior according to Henry's law at high pressures and temperature. Am. J. Sci. 278, 217-243 (1978).

Mysen, B. O.: Experimental determination of crystal-vapor partition coefficients for rare earth elements to 30 kbar pressure. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 77, 689-695 (1978).

Mysen, B. O.: The role of descending plates in the formation of andesite melts beneath island arcs. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 77, 797-801 (1978).

Mysen, B. O. and D. Virgo: Influence of pressure, temperature and bulk composition on melt structure in the system NaAlSi2O6-NaFe3+Si2O6. Am. J. Sci. 278, 1307-1322 (1978).

Mysen, B. O. and I. Kushiro: The effect of pressure on the partitioning of nickel between olivine and aluminous silicate melt. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 77, 706-709 (1978).

Mysen, B. O. and R. K. Popp: Solubility of sulfur in silicate melts as a function of fS2 and silicate bulk composition at high pressures. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 77, 709-713 (1978).

Mysen, B. O., I. Kushiro and T. Fujii: Preliminary experimental data bearing on the mobility of H2O in crystalline upper mantle. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 78, 793-797 (1978).

Mysen, B. O., D. Virgo, J. D. Hoover and S. K. Sharma: Experimental Data bearing on Eu2+/Eu3+in silicate melts and crystals. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 77, 677-682 (1978).

Wendlandt, R. F. and B. O. Mysen: Melting phase relations of natural peridotite + CO2 as a function of degree of partial melting at 15 and 30 kbar. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 77, 756-761 (1978).

Sharma, S. K., D. Virgo and B. O. Mysen: Structure of glasses and melts of Na2O.xSiO2 (x = 1,2,3) composition from Raman spectroscopy. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 77, 649-652 (1978).

Sharma, S. K., D. Virgo and B. O. Mysen: Structure of melts along the join SiO2 - NaAlSiO4 by Raman spectroscopy. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 77, 652-658 (1978).

Sharma, S. K., D. Virgo and B. O. Mysen: Raman study of structure and coordination of Al in NaAlSi2O6 glasses synthesized at high pressure. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 77, 658-662 (1978).

Scarfe, C. M., B. O. Mysen, and C. S. Rai: Invariant melting behavior of mantle material: partial melting of two lherzolite nodules. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 78, 498-501. (1979)

McCallister, R. H., J. B. Brady, and B. O. Mysen: Sell-diffusion of Ca in diopside. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 78, 574-577 (1979)

Mysen, B. O.: Nickel partitioning between olivine and silicate melts: Henry's law revisited. Am. Mineral. 64, 1107-1114 (1979).

Mysen, B. O.: Trace element partitioning between garnet peridotite minerals and water-rich vapor: Experimental data from 5 to 30 kbar. Am. Mineral. 64, 274-287 (1979).

Mysen, B. O. and I. Kushiro: Pressure - dependence of nickel - partitioning between forsterite and aluminosilicate melt. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 42, 383-389 (1979).

Mysen, B. O. and Boettcher, A. L.: Melting in a hydrous mantle (in Russian). Mir Press, 122 pp. (1979).

Mysen, B. O., D. Virgo and F. Seifert: Influence of melt structure on element partitioning between olivine and melt and between clinopyroxene and melt at 1 atm. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 78, 542-547 (1979).

Mysen, B. O., D. Virgo and C. M. Scarfe: Viscosity of silicate melts as a function of pressure: structural interpretation. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 78, 551-556 (1979).

Mysen, B. O., D. Virgo and F. Seifert: Melt structures and redox equilibria in the system CaO - MgO - FeO - Fe2O3 - SiO2. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 78, 519-526 (1979).

Eggler, D. H., B. O. Mysen, J. R. Holloway and T. C. Hoering: The solubility of carbon monoxide in silicate melts at high pressure and its effect on silicate phase relations. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 43, 321-330 (1979).

Scarfe, C. M., B. O. Mysen and D. Virgo: Changes in viscosity and density of melts of sodium disilicate, sodium metasilicate, and diopside composition with pressure. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 78, 547-551 (1979).

Virgo, D., B. O. Mysen and F. Seifert: Structures of quenched melts in the system NaAlSiO4-CaMgSi2O6-Mg2SiO4-SiO2 at 1 atm. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 78, 502-506 (1979).

Virgo, D., F. Seifert and B. O. Mysen: Three-dimensional network structures of glasses in the systems CaAl2O4 - SiO2, NaFeO2SiO2, and NaGaO2 - SiO2 at 1 atm. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 78, 506-511 (1979).

Seifert, F., D. Virgo and B. O. Mysen: Melt structures and redox equilibria in the system Na2O - FeO - Fe2O3 - Al2O3 - SiO2. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 78 511-519 (1979).

Seifert, F., D. Virgo and B. O. Mysen: Sodium loss from sodium metasilicate melts in CO2 and CO atmospheres. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 78, 679 (1979).

Kushiro, I. and B. O. Mysen: Melting experiments on a Yamato chondrite. Proceedings of the Fourth Symposium on Antarctic Meteorites (Mem. Natl. Instn. Polar Research, Spec. Issue, No. 15) (ed.: T. Nagata) Natl. Instn. of Polar Research, Tokyo, pp. 165-171 (1979).

Sharma, S. K., D. Virgo and B. O. Mysen: Raman study of the coordination of aluminum in jadeite as a function of pressure. Am. Mineral. 64, 779-787 (1979).

Mysen, B. O. and R. K. Popp: Solubility of sulfur in CaMgSi2O6 and NaAlSi3O8 melts at high pressure and temperature with controlled fO2 and fS2. Am. J. Sci. 280, 78-92 (1980).

Mysen, B. O. and D. Virgo: The solubility behavior of CO2 in melts on the join NaAlSi3O8 - CaAl2Si2O8 - CO2 at high pressures and temperatures: A Raman spectroscopic study. Am. Mineral. 65, 1166-1175 (1980).

Mysen, B. O. and D. Virgo: : Solubility mechanisms of water in basalt melt at high pressures and temperatures: NaCaAlSi2O7 - H2O as a model. Am. Mineral. 65, 1176-1184 (1980).

Mysen, B. O. and D. Virgo: : Solubility mechanisms of carbon dioxide in silicate melts--A Raman spectroscopic study. Am. Mineral. 65, 885-900 (1980).

Mysen, B. O. and D. Virgo: : Trace element partitioning and melt structure: An experimental study at 1 atm pressure. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 44, 1917-1930 (1980).

Mysen, B. O. and D. Virgo: Influence of melt structure on crystal-liquid-trace element partitioning. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 79, 326-327 (1980).

Mysen, B. O., F. J. Ryerson and D. Virgo: The influence of TiO2 on the structure and derivative properties of silicate melts. Am. Mineral. 65, 1150-1165 (1980).

Mysen, B. O., D. Virgo and C. M. Scarfe: Relations between anionic structure and viscosity of silicate melts - a Raman spectroscopic study. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 79, 312-313 (1980).

Mysen, B. O., R. F. Ryerson and D. Virgo: The structural role of titanium in silicate melts. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 79, 313-314 (1980).

Mysen, B. O., R. F. Ryerson and D. Virgo: The structural role of phosphorous in silicate melts. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 79. 314-315 (1980).

Mysen, B. O., F. Seifert and D. Virgo: Structure and redox equilibria of iron-bearing silicate melts. Am. Mineral. 65, 867-885 (1980).

Mysen, B. O., D. Virgo and C. M. Scarfe: Relations between anionic structure and viscosity of silicate melts - a Raman spectroscopic study at 1 atmosphere and at high pressure. Am. Mineral. 65, 690-711 (1980).

Mysen, B. O., D. Virgo, W. J. Harrison and C. M. Scarfe: Solubility mechanisms of H2O in silicate melts at high pressures and temperatures: A Raman spectroscopic study. Am. Mineral. 65, 900-915 (1980).

Mysen, B. O., D. Virgo, C. M. Scarfe and W. J. Harrison: Solubility mechanisms of water in silicate melts at high pressure and temperature. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 79, 320-322 (1980).

Virgo, D., B. O. Mysen and I. Kushiro: Anionic constitution of silicate melts quenched at 1 atm from Raman spectroscopy: Implications for the structure of igneous melts. Science 208, 1371-1373 (1980).

Wendlandt, R. F. and B. O. Mysen: Melting phase relations of natural peridotite + CO2 as a function of degree of partial melting at 15 and 30 kbar. Am. Mineral. 65, 37-44 (1980).

Boctor, N. and Mysen, B. O.: Partitioning of nickel between pyrrhotite and magnetite. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 79, 337-340 (1980).

Virgo, D., B. O. Mysen and I. Kushiro: Anionic constitution of 1-atm silicate melts: implications for the structure of igneous melts. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 79, 310-311 (1980).

Mysen, B. O.: Nickel partitioning between olivine and liquid in natural basalt: Henry's law behavior - comment on a paper by P. I. Nabelek. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 52, 222-225 (1981).

Mysen, B. O.: Melting curves of rocks, and viscosity of rock-forming melts. ch. 11 in: Physical Properties of Rocks and Minerals (eds.: Y. S. Touloukian, W. R. Judd and R. F. Roy). CINDAS/Purdue. 361-401 (1981).

Mysen, B. O.: Rare earth element partitioning between minerals and (CO2 + H2O) vapor as a function of pressure, temperature, and vapor composition. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book, 80, 347-349 (1981).

Mysen, B. O., F. J. Ryerson and D. Virgo: The structural role of phosphorous in silicate melts. Am. Mineral. 66, 106-117 (1981).

Mysen, B. O., D. Virgo and I. Kushiro: The structural role of aluminum in silicate melts--A Raman spectroscopic study at 1 atmosphere. Am. Mineral. 66, 678-701 (1981).

Mysen, B. O., D. Virgo and F. A. Seifert: Ferric iron as a network former and as a network modifier in melts relevant to petrological processes. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 80, 311-313 (1981).

Seifert, F. A., B. O. Mysen and D. Virgo: Structural similarity of glasses and melts relevant to petrological processes. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 45, 1879-1844 (1981).

Seifert, F. A., B. O. Mysen and D. Virgo: Structural similarity between melts and glass relevant to petrological processes. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 80, 300-301. (1981).

Seifert, F. A., B. O. Mysen and D. Virgo: Quantitative determination of proportions of anionic units in silicate melts. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 80, 301-303 (1981).

Mysen, B. O., D. Virgo and I. Kushiro: Distribution of aluminum between structural units in silicate melts. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 80, 304-305 (1981).

Seifert, F. A., B. O. Mysen and D. Virgo: Structure and properties of aluminosilicate melts with three - dimensional network structure. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 80, 305-308 (1981).

Virgo, D., B. O. Mysen and F. A. Seifert: Relationship between the oxidation state of iron and the structure of silicate melts. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 80, 308-311 (1981).

Virgo, D., B. O. Mysen and F. A. Seifert: The oxidation state of europium in albite and alkali - earth silicate glasses. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 80, 313-316 (1981).

Mysen, B. O.: Experimental studies relevant to petrogenesis of andesites (a) Role of mantle anatexis. ch. 27 in: Orogenic Andesites and Related Rocks (ed.: R. S. Thorpe) Wiley-Interscience. (1982).

Mysen, B. O.: Partitioning of Ni between olivine and silicate melt: The "Henry's Law Problem" reexamined: Discussion. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 46, 297-299 (1982).

Mysen, B. O.,Danckwerth, P. A. and Virgo, D.: The effect of pressure on redox equilibria in melts in the system Na2O - SiO2 - Fe - O. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 81, 357-360.

Mysen, B. O., Virgo, D. and Seifert, F. A.: Distribution of aluminum between anionic units in depolymerized silicate melts as a function of pressure and temperature. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 81, 360-365.

Mysen, B. O. and D. Virgo: Reply to Comment by Freund. Am. Mineral. 67, 155-156 (1982).

Mysen, B. O., L. W. Finger, D. Virgo and F. A. Seifert: Curve-fitting of Raman spectra of silicate glasses. Am. Mineral. 67, 686-696 (1982).

Mysen, B. O., D. Virgo and F. A. Seifert: The structure of silicate melts: Implications for chemical and physical properties of natural magma. Rev. Geophys. 20, 353-383 (1982).

Seifert, F. A., Mysen, B. O., Virgo, D. and Neumann, E.-R.: Ferric-ferrous equilibria in melts in the system MgO - Al2O3 - SiO2 - Fe - O. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 81, 355-356.

Neumann, E.-R., Mysen, B. O., Virgo, D. and Seifert, F. A.: Redox equilibria of iron in melts in the system CaO - Al2O3 - SiO2 - Fe - O. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 81, 353-355.

Seifert, F. A., B. O. Mysen and D. Virgo: Three-dimensional network structure of quenched melts (glass) in the systems SiO2 - NaAlO2, SiO2 - CaAl2O4and SiO2 - MgAl2O4. Am. Mineral. 67, 696-718 (1982).

Mysen, B. O.: Rare earth elment partitioning between (H2O + CO2)-vapor and upper mantle minerals: Experimental data bearing on the conditions of formation of alkali basalt and kimberlite. N. Jb. Mineral. Abh. 146, 41-65 (1983).

Mysen, B. O.: The solubility mechanisms of volatiles in silicate melts and their relations to crystal-andesite liquid equilibria. J. Geothermal Res. 18, 361-385 (1983).

Mysen, B. O.: The structure of silicate melts. Ann. Rev. Earth and Planet. Sci. 11, 75-97 (1983).

Mysen, B. O.: Magma generation in island arcs: Experimental data relevant to the formation of andesite. Phil. J. Volcanology, 1, 69-115 (1983).

Mysen, B. O. and Virgo, D.: Redox equilibria, structure, and melt properties in the system Na2O - Al2O3 - SiO2 - Fe - O. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 82, 313-317 (1983).

Mysen, B. O. and Virgo, D.: Iron-bearing alkaline-earth silicate melts: Relations between redox equilibria of iron, melt structure, and liquidus phase equilibria. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 82, 317-321 (1983).

Mysen, B. O. and Virgo, D.: Effect of pressure on the structure of iron-bearing silicate melts. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book, 82, 321-325 (1983).

Mysen, B. O., Virgo, D., Danckwerth, P. A. , Seifert, F. A. and Kushiro, I.:Influence of pressure on the structure of melts on the joins NaAlO2 - SiO2, CaAl2O4 - SiO2 and MgAl2O4 - SiO2. N. Jb. Mineral. Abh. 147, 281-303 (1983)

Virgo, D., Mysen, B. O. and Danckwerth, P. A.: Redox equilibria and the anionic structure of Na2O.xSiO2 - Fe - O melts: Effect of oxygen fugacity. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 82, 305-309 (1983).

Virgo, D., Mysen, B. O. and Danckwerth, P. A.: The coordination of Fe3+ in oxidized vs. reduced sodium aluminosilicate glasses: a 57Fe Mossbauer study. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 82, 309-313.

Seifert, F. A., Mysen, B. O. and Virgo, D.: Raman study of densified vitreous silica. Phys. Chem. Glasses, 24, 141-145 (1983).

Sharpe, M., Irvine, T. N., Mysen, B. O. and Hazen, R. M.: Density and viscosity characteristics of melts of Bushveld chilled margin rocks. Carnegie Instn. Washington, Year Book 82, 300-305.

Mysen, B. O., Virgo, D. and Seifert, F. A.: Redox equilibria of iron in alkaline earth silicate melts: Relationships between melt structure, oxygen fugacity, temperature and properties of iron-bearing silicate liquids. Am. Mineral. 69, 834-847 (1984).

Mysen, B. O., Virgo, D. and Seifert, F. A.: Relationship between properties and structure of aluminosilicate melts. Am. Mineral. 70, 88-106 (1985).

Mysen, B. O. and Virgo, D.: Interaction between fluorine and silica in quenched melts on the joins SiO2 - AlF3 and SiO2 - NaF determined by Raman Spectroscopy. Phys. Chem. Minerals 12, 77-86 (1985).

Mysen, B. O., Virgo, D., Neumann, E.-R. and Seifert, F. A.: Redox equilibria and structural states of ferric and ferrous iron in melts in the system CaO - MgO - Al2O3 - SiO2 - Fe - O: Relationships between redox equilibria, melt structure and liquidus phase equilibria. Am. Mineral. 70, 317-322 (1985).

Mysen, B. O., Carmichael, I. S. E. and Virgo, D.: Comparison of ferric/ferrous obtained by wet chemical and 57Fe Mossbauer spectroscopic methods. Contr. Mineral. Petrol. 90, 101-106 (1985)

Mysen, B. O., Virgo, D., Scarfe, C. M. and Cronin, D. J.: Visosity of iron-bearing calcium silicate melts at one atmosphere. Am. Mineral. 70, 487-498 (1985).

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Nagahara, H., Kushiro, I., and Mysen, B. O.: Vaporization and condensation of chondritic materials - experimental studies, in Primitive Solar Nebula and Origin of Planets, H. Ohya, ed., pp. 427-446, Terra Scientific Publishing Company (TERRAPUB) Tokyo, 1993.

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Mysen, B. O., and Frantz, J. D., Structure of haplobasaltic liquids at magmatic temperatures: in-situ high-temperature study of melts on the join Na2Si2O5-Na2(NaAl)2O5, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 58, 1711-1733, 1994.

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Mysen, B. O. and Virgo, D., Structure and properties of silicate glasses and melts; theories and experiment. In Advanced Mineralogy, A. S. Marfunin, ed., Vol. 1, Ch. 4.1., pp. 238-253, Springer-Verlag, Berlin and New York, 1994.

Nagahara, H., Kushiro, I., and Mysen, B. O., Evaporation of olivine: low pressure phase relations of the olivine system and its implications for the origin of chondritic components in the solar nebula, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 58, 1951-1963, 1994.

Mysen, B. O. and Frantz, J. D. (1994) Silicate melts at magmatic temperatures: in-situ structure determination to 1651˚C and the effect of temperature and bulk composition on the mixing behavior of structural units. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 117, 1-14.

Mysen, B. O. and Neuville, D., Effect of temperature and TiO2 content on the structure of Na2Si2O5-Na2Ti2O5 melts and glasses, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 59, 325-342, 1995.

Mysen, B. O., Structural behavior of Al3+ in silicate melts: In-situ, high-temperature measurements as a function of bulk chemical composition, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 59, 455-474, 1995.

Mysen, B., Experimental, in-situ, high-temperature studies of properties and structure of silicate melts relevant to magmatic processes, Eur. J. Mineral., 7, 745-766, 1995

Frantz, J. D. and Mysen, B. O., Raman spectra and structure of BaO-SiO2, SrO-SiO2, and CaO-SiO2 Melts to 1600oC, Chem. Geol.,121, 155-176, 1995.

Alberto, H. V., Mysen, B. O., and DeCampos, N., The structural role of titanium in silicate glasses. A Raman study of the system CaO-SiO2-TiO2, Phys. Chem. Glasses, 36, 114-122, 1995

Mysen, B. O., Haploandesitic melts at magmatic temperatures: In-situ, high-temperature structure and properties of melts along the join K2Si4O9-K2(KAl)4O9 to 1236oC at atmospheric pressure, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 60, 3665-3686, 1996.

Mysen, B. O., Phosphorus speciation changes across the glass transition in highly polymerized alkali silicate glasses and melts. Amer. Mineral., 81, 1531-1534. 1996.

Neuville, D. R., and B. O. Mysen, Role of aluminum in the silicate network: in situ, high-temperature study of glasses and melts on the join SiO2-NaAlO2, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 60, 1727-1737, 1996.

Richet, P., Mysen, B. O., and Andrault, D. Melting and premelting of silicates: Raman spectroscopy and x-ray diffraction of Li2SiO3 and Na2SiO3. Phys. Chem. Mineral. 23, 157-172, 1996.

Alberto, H. V., Pinto da Cunha, J. L., Mysen, B. O., Gil, J. M. and Ayres de Campos, N., Analysis of Mössbauer spectra of silicate glasses using a two-dimensional Gaussian distribution of hyperfine parameters, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 194. 48-57, 1996

Holtz, F., J-M. Bény, B. O. Mysen, and Michel Pichavant, High temperature Raman spectroscopy of silicate and aluminosilicate hydrous glasses: Implications for water speciation, Chem. Geol., 128, 25-39. 1996.

Bassett, W. A., Wu, T-Z., Chou, I.-M., Haselton, T., Frantz, J. D., Mysen, B. O., Huang, W.-L., Sharma, S. K., and Schiferl, D. The hydrothermal diamond anvil cell (HDAC) and its applications. in: Mineral Spectroscopy: A Tribute to Roger G. Burns. The Geochemical Society Special Publication No. 5 (eds. M. D. Dyar, C. McCammon, and Schaefer, M. W.), 261-272, 1996.

Mysen, B. O., Aluminosilicate melts: Structure, composition, and temperature, Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 127, 104-118 1997.

Mysen, B. O., Holtz, F. Pichavant, M., Beny, J.-M., and Montel, J.-M. Solution mechanisms of phosphorus in quenched hydrous and anhydrous granitic glass as a function of peraluminosity. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 61, 3913-3926, 1997

Mysen, B., Silicate melts and glasses: the influence of temperature and composition on the structural behavior of anionic units, in K. Yagi 80th Birthday Commemoration Volume, A. Gupta, ed., Indian Academy of Sciences, in press., 1998

Mysen, B. O. Transport and configurational properties of silicate melts: Relationship to melt structure at magmatic temperatures, Phys. Chem. Planet. Int. 107, 23-32 1998

Mysen, B. O. Interaction between aqueous fluid and silicate melt in the pressure and temperature regime of the earth’s crust and upper mantle. N. Jb. Mineral., 172, 227-244, 1998.

Mysen, B. O. Phosphorus solubility mechanisms in haplogranitic aluminosilicate glass and melt: Effect of temperature and aluminum content. Contrib. Mineral. Petrol., 133, 38-50, 1998

Mysen, B. O., Virgo, D., Popp, R. K., Bertka, C. M. The role of H2O in martian magmatic systems. Amer. Mineral. 83, 942-947 1998

Mysen, B. O., Ulmer, P., Konzett, J., and Schmidt, M. W. (1998). The upper mantle near convergent plate boundaries. Rev. Mineral., 37, 97-138

Richet, P., Mysen, B. O., and Ingrin, J. High-Temperature X-Ray Diffraction and Raman Spectroscopy of Diopside and Pseudowollastonite. Phys. Chem. Minerals, 25, 401-414, 1998

Young, E. M., Nagahara, H., Mysen, B. O., and Audet, D. M. (1998) Non-Rayleigh oxygen isotope fractionation by mineral evaporation: theory and experiments in the system SiO2. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 62, 3109-3116.

Mysen, B. O. (1999) Structure and properties of magmatic liquids: From haplobasalt to haploandesite. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 63, 95-112.

Mysen, B. O., Holtz, F., Pichavant, M., Beny, J.-M., and Montel, J.-M. (1999) The effect of temperature and bulk compositions on the solution mechanism of phosphorus in peraluminous haplogranitic magma. Amer. Mineral. 84,1336-1345,

Richet, P. and Mysen, B. O. (1999) High-temperature dynamics in cristobalite (SiO2) and carnegieite (NaAlSiO4): A Raman spectroscopic study.. Geophys. Res. Lett., 26, 2283-2286.

Mysen, B. O. and Acton, M. (1999) Water in H2O-Saturated Magma-Fluid Systems: Solubility Behavior in K2O-Al2O3-SiO2-H2O to 2.0 GPa and 1300˚C. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 63, 3799-3818.

Carim,A. H., Dera, P., Finger, L. W. Mysen, B. O. Prewitt, C. T. and Schlom, D. G. (2000) Crystal Structure and Compressibility of Ba4Ru3O10. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, 149, 137-142

Mysen, B. O. and Wheeler, K. (2000) Solubility Behavior of Water in Haploandesitic Melts at high Pressure and high Temperature. Amer Mineral. 85, 1128-1142.

Mysen, B. O. and Wheeler, K. (2000) Alkali Aluminosilicate-Saturated Aqueous Fluids in the Earth's Upper Mantle. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 64, 4243-4256.

Mysen, B. O. and Cody, G. D. (2001) Silicate-Phosphate Interactions in Silicate Glasses and Melts. II. Quantitative, high-temperature structure of P-bearing alkali aluminosilicate melts Geochim. Cosmochim, Acta. 65, 2413-2431.

Mysen, B. O. and Wheeler, K. (2001) Solubility of Na, Al, and Si in aqueous fluid at 0.8-2.0 GPa and 1000-1300°C. In Water-Rock Interaction: Proceedings of the Tenth International Symposium on Water-Rock Interaction, R. Cidu, ed., pp. 309-312, A. A. Balkema, Lisse, Netherlands

Cody, G. D., Mysen, B. O., Saghi-Szabo, G., and Tossell, J. A. (2001) Silicate-Phosphate Interactions in Silicate Glasses and Melts: I A multinuclear (27Al,29Si,31P) MAS NMR and Ab initio Chemical Shielding (31P) Study of Phosphorous Speciation in Silicate Glasses. Geochim, Cosmochim, Acta. 65, 2395-2411.

Mysen, B. O. and Armstrong, L. (2002) Solubility behavior of alkali aluminosilicate components in aqueous fluids and silicate melts at high pressure and temperature. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 66, 2287-2297.

Kushiro, I. And Mysen, B. O. (2002) A possible effect of melt structure on the Mg-Fe2+ partitioning between olivine and melt. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 66, 2267-2272.

Pichavant, M., Mysen, B. O., and MacDonald, R. (2002) Origin and H2O content of high-MgO magmas in island arc settings: An experimental study of a primitive calc-alkaline basalt from St. Vincent, Lesser Antilles Arc. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 66, 2193-2209.

Mysen B. O. (2002) Solubility of alkaline earth and alkali aluminosilicate components in aqueous fluids in the Earth's upper mantle. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 66, 2421-2438.

Mysen, B. O. (2002) Water in peralkaline aluminosilicate melts to 2 GPa and 1400˚C. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 66, 2915-2928.

Bouhifd, M. A., Gruener, G., Mysen, B. O., and Richet, P. (2002) Premelting and calcium mobility in gehlenite (Ca2Al2SiO7) and pseudowolllastonite. Phys. Chem. Minerals, 29, 655-662

Mysen, B. O. (2003) Physics and Chemistry of Silicate Glasses and Melts. Eur. J. Mineral. 15, 781-802.

Mysen, B. O. and Shang, J. (2003). Fractionation of major element between coexisting H2O-saturated silicate melt and silicate-saturated aqueous fluids in aluminosilicate systems at 1-2 GPa Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 67, 3925-3936.

Lee, S. K., Fei, Y., Cody, G. D., and Mysen, B. O. (2003) Disorder in silicate glasses & melts at 10 GPa. Geophys. Res. Lett., 30(16), 1845 10.1029/2003GL017735.

Mysen, B. O., Lucier, A. and Cody, G. D. (2003) The structural behavior of Al3+in peralkaline melts and glasses in the system Na2O-Al2O3-SiO2. Amer. Mineral., 88. 1668-1678.

Lee, S. K., Mysen, B. O., Cody, G. D. (2003). The chemical and topological order in silicate glasses and melts. Phys. Rev. B, 68, 2841

Mysen, B. O. and Dubinsky, E. V. (2004). Mineral/melt element partitioning and melt structure. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 68, 1617-1634

Mysen, B. O., Cody, G. D., and Smith, A. (2004) Solubility mechanisms of fluorine in peralkaline and meta-aluminous silicate glasses and in melts to magmatic temperatures. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 68, 2745-2769

Li, J., Struzhkin, V., Mao, H. K., Shu, J., Hemley, R. J., Fei, Y., Mysen, B. O. Dera, P., Prakapenka, V., and Shen, G. (2004)Electron spin state of iron in lower mantle perovskite. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.,,101, 14027-14030.

Mysen, B. O. (2004) Element partitioning between minerals and melt, melt composition, and melt structure. Chem. Geol. 213, 1-16.

Mysen, B. O. and Cody, G. D. (2004) Solubility and solution mechanisms of H2O in silicate melts and glasses at high pressure and temperature. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 68, 5113-5126.

Halter, W. E. and Mysen, B. O. (2004) Melt speciation in the system Na2O–SiO2. Chem. Geol. 213, 115-123

Lee, S. K., Cody, G. D., Fei, Y., Mysen, B. (2004) Nature of polymerization and properties of silicate melts and glasses at high pressure. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 68, 4189-4200.

Magnien, V., Neuville, D. R., Cormier, L., Mysen, B. O., Richet, P. (2004) Kinetics of iron oxidation in silicate melts: A preliminary XANES study. Chem. Geol. 213, 253-263.

Mysen, B. O. and Shang, J. (2005) Evidence from olivine/melt element partitioning that nonbridging oxygen in silicate melts are not equivalent. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 69, 2861-2875.

Mysen, B. O. and Cody, G. D. (2005) Solution mechanisms of H2Oin depolymerized peralkaline melts. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 69, 5557-5566.

Cody, G. D., Mysen, B. O., and Lee, S. K. (2005) Structure vs. composition: A solid-state 1H and 29Si NMR study of quenched glasses along the Na2O-SiO2-H2O join. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 69, 2373-2384.

Lee, S. K., Fei, Y., Cody, G. D., and Mysen, B. O. (2005) The application of 17O and 27Al solid-state (3Q MAS) NMR to structures of non-crystalline silicates at high pressure. In Advances in High-Pressure Technology for Geophysical Applications, J. Chen et al., eds., pp. 241-261, Elsevier, Amsterdam.

Lee, S. K., Cody, G. D., and Mysen, B. O. (2005) Structure and the extent of disorder in quaternary (Ca-Mg and Ca-Na) aluminosilicate glasses and melts. Am. Mineral., 90, 1393-1401.

Lee, S. K., Mibe, K., Fei, Y., Cody, G. D., and Mysen, B. O. (2005) Structure of B2O3 glass at high pressure: A 11B solid-state NMR study.. Phys. Rev. Lett., 94, 165507.

Mysen, B. O. (2006) The structural behavior of ferric and ferrous iron in aluminosilicate glass near meta-aluminosilicate joins. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 70, 2337-2353.

Mysen, B. O. (2006) Redox equilibria and melt structure: Implications for olivine/melt element partitioning. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 70, 3121-3138

Lee, S. K., Cody, G. D., Fei, Y., and Mysen, B. O. (2006) The effect of Na/Si on the structure of sodium silicate and aluminosilicate glasses quenched from melts at high pressure: A multi-nuclear (Al-27, Na-23, O-17) 1D and 2D solid-state NMR study. Chem. Geol., 229, 162-172.

Roskosz, M., Mysen, B. O., and Cody, G. D. (2006) Dual speciation of nitrogen in silicate melts at high pressure and temperature: An experimental study. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 70, 2902-2918.

Roskosz, M., Luais, B., Watson, H. C., Toplis, M. J., Alexander, C. O., and Mysen, B. O. (2006) Experimental quantification of the fractionation of Fe isotopes during metal segregation from a silicate melt. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 248, 851-867.

Mysen, B. O. (2007) Partitioning of Calcium, Magnesium, and Transition Metals between Olivine and Melt Governed by the Structure of the Silicate Melt at ambient Pressure. Amer. Mineral. 92, 844-862

Mysen, B. O. and Toplis, M. J. (2007) Structural behavior of Al3+ in peralkaline, meta-aluminous, and peraluminous silicate melts and glasses at ambient pressure. Amer. Mineral. 92, 933-946

Mysen, B. O. (2007) The solution behavior of H2O in peralkaline aluminosilicate melts at high pressure with implications for properties of hydrous melts. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 71, 1820-1834.

Mysen, B. O. (2007). Olivine/melt transition metal partitioning, melt composition, and melt structure – Influence of Si4+Al3+ substitution in the tetrahedral network. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 71, 5500-5513.

Steele, A., Fries, M. D., Amundsen, H. E. F., Mysen, B. O., Fogel, M. L., Schweizer, M., swand Boctor, N. Z. (2007) Comprehensive imaging and Raman spectroscopy of carbonate globules from Martian meteorite ALH84001 and a terrestrial analogue from Svalbard. Meteoritics & Planet. Sci., 42, 1549-1566.

Mysen, B. O. (2008) Olivine/melt transition metal partitioning, melt composition, and melt structure – Melt polymerization and Qn-speciation in alkaline earth silicate systems. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 72, 4796-4813

Mysen, B. O. Shigeru Yamashita, S., and Chertkova, N. (2008). Solubility and Solution Mechanisms of NOH Volatiles in Silicate Melts at high Pressure and Temperature--Amine Groups and Hydrogen Fugacity. Amer. Mineral. 93, 1760-1770.

Roskosz, M., Toplis, M. J., Neuville, D. R., and Mysen, B, O. (2008) Quantification of the kinetics of iron oxidation in silicate melts using Raman spectroscopy: What role of oxygen diffusion. Amer. Mineral. 93, 1749-1759.

Lee, S. K., Cody, G. D., Fei, Y., Mysen, B. O. (2008). Oxygen-17 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Study of the Structure of Mixed Cation Calcium−Sodium Silicate Glasses at High Pressure: Implications for Molecular Link to Element Partitioning between Silicate Liquids and Crystals. J. Phys. Chem. B, 112, 11756-11761.

Mysen, B. O. (2009) Solution mechanisms of silicate in aqueous fluid and H2O in coexisting silicate melts determined in-situ at high pressure and high temperature. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 73, 5748-5763.

Mysen, B. O., Cody, G. D., and Morrill, P. L. (2009) Solution behavior of reduced C-O-H volatiles in silicate melts at high pressure and temperature. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 73, 1696-1710.

Sipowska, J. T., Atake, T., Mysen, B. O. , Richet, P. (2009) Entropy and structure of oxidized and reduced iron-bearing silicate glass. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 73, 3905-3913.

Mysen, B. O. and Fogel, M. L. (2010) Nitrogen and Hydrogen Isotope Compositions and Solubility in Silicate Melts in Equilibrium with Reduced (N+H)-bearing Fluids at High Pressure and Temperature: Effects of Melt Structure. Amer. Mineral. 95, 987-999.

Mysen, B. O. (2010) Structure of H2O-saturated peralkaline aluminosilicate melt and coexisting aluminosilicate-saturated aqueous fluid determined in-situ to 800˚C and ~800 MPa. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 74, 4123-4139.

Mysen, B. O. and Yamashita, S. (2010) Speciation of reduced C-O-H volatiles in coexisting fluids and silicate melts determined in-situ to ~1.4 GPa and 800˚C. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 74, 4577-4588.

Mysen, B. O. (2010). Speciation and mixing behavior of silica-saturated fluid at high temperature and pressure. Amer. Mineral. 95, 1807-1816

Mysen, B. O. (2011). An in-situ experimental study of phosphorous and aluminosilicate speciation in and partitioning between aqueous fluids and silicate melts at high temperature and pressure. Amer. Mineral. 96, 1636-1649.

Mysen, B. O., Kumamoto, K., Cody, G. D., and Fogel, M. L. (2011) Solubility and solution mechanisms of C-O-H volatiles in silicate melt with variable redox conditions and melt composition at upper mantle temperatures and pressures. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 75, 6183-6199

Mysen, B. O. (2011). An in-situ experimental study of phosphorous and aluminosilicate speciation in and partitioning between aqueous fluids and silicate melts at high temperature and pressure. Amer. Mineral. 96, 1636-1649.

Mysen, B. O., Kumamoto, K., Cody, G. D., and Fogel, M. L. (2011) Solubility and solution mechanisms of C-O-H volatiles in silicate melt with variable redox conditions and melt composition at upper mantle temperatures and pressures. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 75, 6183-6199

Kyono, A., Gramsch, S. A., Yamanaka, T., Ikuta, D., Ahart, M., Mysen, B. O., Mao, H.-k., and Hemley, R. J. (2011) The influence of the Jahn-Teller effect at Fe2+ on the structure of chromite at high pressure. Phys. Chem. Minerals, DOI 10.1007/s00269-011-0468

Lee, S.-K., Yoo Soo., Y., Cody, G. D., Mibe, K., Fei. Y., Mysen, B. O. (2011). Effect of Network Polymerization on the Pressure-Induced Structural Changes in Sodium Aluminosilicate Glasses and Melts: 27Al and 17O Solid-State NMR study. J. Phys. Chem. DOI: 10.1021/jp206765s

Mysen, B. (2012). High-pressure/-temperature titanium solution mechanisms in silicate-saturated aqueous fluids and hydrous silicate melts. Amer. Mineral., 97, 1241-1251.

Mysen, B. O. (2012). Silicate-COH melt and fluid structure, their physicochemical properties, and partitioning of nominally refractory oxides between melts and fluids. Lithos, 148, 228-246.

Foustoukos, D. I. and Mysen, B. O. (2012). D/H isotope fractionation in the H2-H2O system at supercritical water conditions: Compositional and hydrogen bonding effects. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 86, 88-102.

Rossano, S. and Mysen, B. O. (2012). Raman spectroscopy of silicate glasses and melts in Geologic systems. EMU Notes in Mineralogy, 12, chapter 9, 319-364.

Mysen, B. O. (2013). Hydrogen isotope fractionation between coexisting hydrous melt and coexisting silicate-saturated aqueous fluid: An experimental study in-situ at high pressure and temperature. Amer. Mineral. 98, 376-386

Mysen, B. O. (2013). Structure-property relationships of COHN-saturated silicate melt coexisting with COHN fluid at high temperature and pressure with variable redox conditions. Chem. Geol. 346, 113-124.

Mysen, B. O. (2013). Effects of fluid and melt density and structure on high pressure and temperature experimental studies of hydrogen isotope partitioning between coexisting melt and aqueous fluid. Amer. Mineral. 98, 1754-1764.

Mysen B, O., Mibe, K., Chou, I.-M., and Bassett, W. A. (2013) Structure and equilibria among silicate species in aqueous fluids in the upper mantle: Experimental SiO2-H2O and MgO-SiO2-H2O data recorded in-situ to 900˚C and 5.4 GPa. J. Geophys. Res.,118, 6076-6085.

Roskosz, M., Bouhifd, M. A., Jephcoat, A. P., Marty, B. and Mysen, B. O. (2013). Nitrogen solubility in molten metal and silicate at high pressure and temperature. Geochim. Cos,ochim. Acta, 121, 15-28

Foustoukos, D. I. and Mysen, B. O. (2013). Condensed-phase isotope effects on H/D methane isotopologues dissolved in supercritical aqueous solution. Amer. Mineral. 98, 946-954.

Mysen, B. O. (2014). An alternative to alteration of melting processes in the Earth: Reaction between hydrogen (H2) and oxide components in the Earth in space and time. Amer. Mineral., 99, 1193-1195.

Mysen, B. O. (2014). Water-melt interaction in hydrous magmatic systems at high temperature and pressure. Progress in Earth and Planetary Science 2014,1:4. DOI: 10.1186/2197-4284-1-4

Mysen, B. O., Tomita, T., Ohtani, E. and Suzuki, A. (2014). Speciation of and D/H partitioning between fluids and melts in silicate - D-O-H-C-N systems determined in-situ at upper mantle temperatures, pressures, and redox conditions. Amer. Mineral. 99, 978-988.

Lazar, C., Zhang, C., Manning, C. E. and Mysen, B. O. (2014). Redox effects on calcite-portlandite-fluid equilibria at forearc conditions: Carbon mobility, methanogenesis, and reduction melting of calcite. Amer. Mineral. 99, 1604-1615.

McCubbin, F, M., Sverjensky, D. A., Steele, A., and Mysen, B. O. (2014). In-situ characterization of oxalic acid breakdown at elevated P and T: Implications for organic C-O-H fluid sources in petrologic experiments. Amer. Mineral. 99, 2258-2271.

Foustoukos, D. F. and Mysen, B. O. (2015). The structure of water-saturated carbonate melt. Amer. Mineral. 100, 35-46.

Dalou, C., Mysen, B. O. and Foustoukos, D. (2015). In-situ measurements of fluorine and chlorine speciation and fractionation between aluminosilicate melts and aqueous fluid. Amer. Mineral. 100, 47-58

Dalou, C., LeLosq, C. and Mysen, B. O. (2015). In situ study of the fractionation of hydrogen isotopes between aluminosilicate melts and coexisting aqueous fluids at high pressure and high temperature - Implications for the ∂D in magmatic processes. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 426, 158-166.

Dalou, C., Mysen, B. O., and Cody, G. D. (2015). Solubility and solution mechanisms of chlorine and fluorine in melts at high pressure and high temperature. Amer. Mineral. 100, 2272-2283.

Mysen, B. O. (2015). Melt-fluid structure and property relationships in silicate-C-O-H as a function of redox conditions: An experimental study, in-situ to 1.7 GPa and 900˚C. Amer. Mineral. 100, 47-58.

LeLosq, C., Cody, G.D., and Mysen, B. O. (2015). Alkali influence on the water speciation and the environment of protons in silicate glasses revealed by 1H MAS NMR spectroscopy. Amer. Mineral. In press

Dalou, C. and Mysen, B. O. (2015). The effect of H2O on F and Cl solubility and solution mechanisms in aluminosilicate melts at high pressure and high temperature. Amer. Mineral. 100, 633-644.

Mysen, B. O. (2015). Structure of Chemically Complex Silicate Systems. In: Encyclopedia of Glass Science. Technology, History and Culture. Ch. II.4. Wylie-Interscience. In Press.

Mysen, B. O. (2015) Solubility of Volatiles. In: Encyclopedia of Glass Science. Technology, History and Culture. Ch. V.4. Wylie-Interscience. In Press

Wang, Y., Cody, G., Cody, S. X., Foustoukos, D., Mysen, B. O. (2015). Very Large Intramolecular D-H Partitioning in Hydrated Silicate Melts Synthesized at Upper Mantle Pressures and Temperatures. Amer. Mineral.100, 11182-1189.

Mysen, B. O. (2015). An in-situ experimental study of Zr4+ transport capacity of water-rich fluids in the temperature and pressure range of the deep crust and upper mantle. Prog. Earth Planet. Sci., DOI: 10.1186/s40645-015-0070-5

Mysen, B. O. (2015). Redox-controlled solution mechanisms and hydrogen isotope fractionation in silicate-COH melt+fluid to upper mantle temperature and pressure. J. Geophys. Res., Solid Earth. 120, DOI: 10.1002/2015JB011954

LeLosq, C., Cody, G. D., and Mysen, B. O. (2015). On the complex stretching signal of OH groups in silicate glasses and its implication for using the 4500 cm-1 IR band as a marker of hydroxyl groups concentration. Amer. Mineral. 100, 945-950

Le Losq, C., Mysen, B. O., and Cody, G. D. (2015). Water and magmas: insights about the water solution mechanisms in alkali silicate melts from infrared, Raman and 29Si solid state NMR spectroscopies. Prog. Earth Planet. Sci. 2:22, doi:10.1186/s40645-015-0052-7

Liu, J., Mysen, B. O., Fei, Y., and Li, J. (2015). Recoil-free fractions of aluminous bridgmanite from temperature-dependent Mössbauer spectra. Amer. Mineral. 100, 1978-1984.

Labidi, J., Shahar, A., Le Losq, C., Hillgren, V., Mysen, B. O., and Farquahar, J. (2016). Experimentally determined sulfur isotope fractionation between metal and silicate and implications for planetary differentiation. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 175, 181-194

Le Losq, C., Mysen, B. O., and Cody, G. D. (2016). Intramolecular fractionation of hydrogen isotopes in silicate quenched melts. Geochem. Perspect. Lett. 2, 87-94

Mysen, B. O. (2016). Experimentally-determined carbon isotope fractionation in and between methane-bearing melt and fluid to upper mantle temperatures and pressures. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 445, 28-35

Mysen, B. O. (2017). Experimental, in-situ carbon solution mechanisms and isotope fractionation in and between (C–O–H)-saturated silicate melt and silicate-saturated (C–O–H) fluid to upper mantle temperatures and pressures. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 459, 352-361.

LeLosq, C., Mysen, B. O. and Dalou, C. (2017). In-situ study at high pressure and temperature of the environment of protons in hydrous Na and Ca aluminosilicate melts and coexisting fluid. J. Geophys. Res. 122, 4888-4896

Mysen, B. O. (2018). Mass Transfer in the Earth’s Interior: Fluid-melt interaction in aluminosilicate-C-O-H-N systems at high pressure and temperature under oxidizing conditions. Proc. Earth Planet. Sci 5:6. DOI: 10.1186/s40645-017-0161-6

Mysen, B. O. (2018). Solution mechanisms of COHN fluids in melts to upper mantle temperature, pressure, and redox conditions. Amer. Mineral. 103, 1780-1788.

Mysen, B. O. (2018). Redox-controlled mechanisms of C and H isotope fractionation between silicate melt and COH fluid in the Earth's interior. Progress Earth Planet Sci. 5:46. DOI: 10.1186/s40645-018-0203-8 .

Mysen, B. O. (2018). Silicate solution, cation properties and mass transfer by aqueous fluid in the Earth's interior. Progress Earth Planet Sci. 5:40. DOI: 10.1186/s40645-018-0198-1.

E. Cottrell, A. Lanzirotti B. Mysen, S. Birner, K. A. Kelley R. Botcharnikov, M. Newville2 F.A. Davis (2018) A Mössbauer-based XANES calibration for hydrous basalt glasses reveals radiation-induced oxidation of Fe. Amer. Mineral. 104, 489-501.

Ackerson, M. J., Mysen, B. O., Tailby, N., and Watson, E. B. (2018). Low-temperature crystallization of granites and the implications for crustal magmatism. Nature. 27. June, 1-4.

Mysen, B. O. (2019). Aqueous fluids as transport medium at high pressure and temperature: Ti4+ solubility, solution mechanisms, and fluid composition. Chem. Geol. 505, 57-65.

Mysen, B. O. (2019). Nitrogen in the Earth: abundance and transport. Progr. Earth Planet., Sci. 6:38. DOI: 10.1186/s40645-019-0286-x.

Ackerson, M. and Mysen, B. O. (2020). Experimental observations of TiO2 activity in rutile-undersaturated melts. Amer. Mineral. 105, 1547-1555.

Ackerson, M., Cody, G. D. and Mysen, B. O. (2020). 29Si Solid State NMR and Ti K-edge XAFS Pre-edge Spectroscopy Reveal Complex Behavior of Ti in Silicate Melts. Prog Earth Planet Sci 7, 14.

Riebe, M. E. I., Foustoukos, D., Alexander, C. M. O'D., Steele, A., Cody, G. D., Mysen, B. O., Nittler, L. R. (2020). The effect of atmospheric entry heating on organic natter in interplanetary dust particles. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 540, DOI:

Cody, G. D., Ackerson, M., Beaumont, C., Foustoukos, D., LeLosq, C., Mysen, B.O. (2020). Revisiting water speciation in hydrous alumino-silicate glasses: A discrepancy between solid-state 1H NMR and NIR spectroscopy in the determination of X-OH and H2O. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 285, 150-174.

Mysen, B. O. (2021). Structure of Chemically Complex Silicate Systems. In: Encyclopedia of Glass Science. Technology, History and Culture. (ed.: P. Richet). Vol. 1, p. 197-206. Wylie-Interscience.

Mysen, B. O. (2021) Solubility of Volatiles. In: Encyclopedia of Glass Science. Technology, History and Culture. (ed.: P. Richet). Vol. 1, p. 571-578. Wylie-Interscience.

Mysen, B. O. (2021). Structure of aluminosilicate melts. ISIJ Internat. 61. 2866-2881.

Le Losq, C., Valentine, A., Mysen, B. O., Neuville, D. (2021). Deep learning prediction of glass and melt properties. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta., 314, 27-54.

Mysen, B. O. (2022). Fluids and physicochemical properties and processes in the Earth. Progr. Earth Planet. Sci. 9, 54. DOI:

Kueter, N., Cody, G. D., Foustoukos, D. J., Mysen, B. O. (2022). Intramolecular hydrogen isotope exchange inside silicate melts – The effect of deuterium concentration. Chem. Geol. DOI:


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