Here is all of the essential NCEA Information that you need to know. All NCEA related forms e.g. missed assessment form, withdrawal from a course etc. can be found on your year group Google Classroom.

On the NZQA website, under 'Subjects' you can find information about the standards, assessment schedules, past exam papers, exemplars, marking schedules, cut scores and more. This is a great resource.

NCEA levels and certificates

There are three levels of NCEA certificate, depending on the difficulty of the standards achieved. At each level, students must achieve a certain number of credits to gain an NCEA certificate. Credits can be gained over more than one year.


Level 1

80 credits are required at any level (level 1, 2 or 3) including literacy and numeracy. Schools can explain the literacy and numeracy standard pathways they are using.

Level 2

60 credits at level 2 or above

+ 20 credits from any level

The Level 1 literacy and numeracy requirements must also be met.

Level 3

60 credits at level 3 or above

+ 20 credits from level 2 or above

From 2014 the Level 1 literacy and numeracy requirements must also be met.

Credits gained at one level can be used for (or count towards) more than one certificate. They may also be used towards other qualifications. For example, unit standards in the domain 'generic computing' might be used towards a Level 2 NCEA certificate, as well as towards a National Certificate in Computing (Level 2); or 20 credits gained at Level 1 can also count towards a Level 2 NCEA certificate.

For more information:

NCEA endorsements

Recognising high achievement with 'endorsements'

When students perform consistently above the 'Achieved' level, their result(s) can be 'endorsed' to reflect that high achievement.  This can occur at either the Certificate or individual course level.

Certificate endorsement

For an NCEA certificate to be endorsed with Excellence a student must gain 50 credits at Excellence at the level of the certificate or above. So, if a student has 50 Level 1 credits at Excellence they may have their Level 1 certificate endorsed with Excellence. Likewise, if a student gains 50 credits at Merit (or Merit and Excellence) at Level 1 their NCEA  Level 1 certificate may be endorsed with Merit. Endorsement awards show on the Record of Achievement.

Course endorsement

Course endorsement provides recognition for a student who has performed exceptionally well in an individual course. 

Students will gain an endorsement for a course if, in a single school year, they achieve:

A course endorsement is not a qualification.

A course endorsement can be awarded even if a qualification for that level is not achieved. For example, a student may achieve a Merit endorsement for their Level 2 Mathematics course regardless of whether they achieve NCEA Level 2. Scenarios may assist with further understanding.

For more information:

University Entrance

University Entrance (UE) is the minimum requirement to go to a New Zealand university. You achieve this through your NCEA standards.

To qualify you will need:

Credits can be accumulated over more than one year.

When an applicant does not qualify for University Entrance to a New Zealand university, they may be eligible for Discretionary Entrance.

See Universities New Zealand - Discretionary Entrance for more information.

Rank Score

Rank score is only important for NCEA Level 3 as it is relevant to university applications. See this link for how rank score is calculated and here is a rank score calculator

How NCEA Exams Take Place

Make sure you are familiar with the exam procedures, time and location. 



What to Bring to Exams

Banned Items

Do not bring the following items into an exam room unless sealed in the emergency evacuation pack: