Career Education: Mission, Vision & Goals

Career Education Goals

To help students...

  • Identify their strengths, interests and values

  • Explore a variety of career options

  • Connect instructional activities to areas of interest

  • Interact with the business and professional community at large

  • Prepare for education beyond high school

Career Technical Education and Career Pathways courses, both at the middle school and high school level, challenge students to develop academic, technical and personal skills through relevant and integrated learning experiences.


To offer CUSD students (K-12) lessons and experiences that help students discover their interests and strengths, explore careers that tie to interests, learn technical and non-technical skills, and work with community and industry partners to bring career awareness to students.


Carlsbad Unified School District is committed to career readiness for all students. Equitable K-12 career readiness provides all students with the knowledge, skills, and experiences that will enable them to lead productive and fulfilling lives.

Graduate Profile

Our Graduate Profile describes the attributes we expect to see in every student after they leave our schools and move to the next step in life, whether that be college, career, or military service.

By providing a continuum of career-related activities and workplace learning experiences to support their career exploration, we’re better able to ensure that our graduates are effective communicators and collaborators; critical thinkers; ethical and responsible citizens; self-directed individuals; lifelong learners; and college and career ready scholars.