What is the 1:1 Chromebook Initiative at Carey Schools?
The Carey EVS 1:1 initiative is designed to create an environment where students learn in more meaningful ways, in a deeper context with access to global information. With current changes in legislation affecting the way we assess our students, we need to effectively prepare our students to be successful with digital tools. Carey EVS 1:1 will afford student access to important digital resources, which will better prepare them for their future.
This initiative will also provide the tools necessary for our students to take advantage of uninterrupted 24/7 learning resources through our online learning environment. Our teaching staff has been and will be continuing to create online curriculum to supplement student coursework. This online material will be available for students and parents to view through our district website. (http://careyevs.org)
Every fall, all Carey Students in grades (1-12), will be issued a district owned Chromebook for use at school. Students in grades (6-12) will also be provided a carrying case and will be allowed to take their devices home nightly to complete homework and work on school projects. Chromebooks will be distributed just like textbooks. The Chromebook remains the property of CEVSD, and the students borrow it for the school year. Parents and students will sign for the equipment and provide a yearly $30 Chromebook insurance fee to the school. The laptops are to be used for educational purposes only, to enrich learning for the student.
For further information and FAQs please visit the appropriate links at the top of the page.
Thank you!