Craft Fair Conditions of Participation

Pine Grove Area Band Booster Holiday Craft/Vendor Show

Conditions of Participation

o Payment is required by Credit Card (via Paypal), check, or money order payable to the “Pine Grove Band Boosters”. NO CASH Please. No refunds.

o All spaces are 10 ft by 10 ft. Some spaces may not be perfect squares but will be the same 100 square feet.

o Only one vendor per company allowed. Please check with the chairperson if any other vendor is signed up already. Vendors from the previous year will have first choice to return next year until June 1st, after the date it is first come, first serve.

o All crafters/vendors must bring their own tables, chairs, tent, etc. Limited electricity is available. Please bring your own electrical cords and contact chairperson to check availability. Electricity is first come, first serve.

o All crafters/vendors will be responsible for their own sales tax and labeling of food products as required by law. We assume no responsibility for lost or damaged items.

o No sales will be allowed that conflict with Band Booster sales, such but not limited to food or drink items sold in the cafeteria area.

o You have the option before the event to submit pictures and a brief “commercial” about your items for sale. This will be featured on our Facebook page. Submit pictures through email (, text (570-640-0455), or hard copy/flash drive (67 Waterfall Rd, Pine Grove, PA 17963). If you have a Facebook page please let us know if we can use your pictures on your page and able to link to our page.

o Please come to the back of the Elementary/Middle School (watch for signs) to check in upon arrival. Please do not start setting up until you check in first. It is very important for the safety of our children that all crafters/vendors comply with this request. The registration areas are in each room, see a band booster or member for help. Pre-show set up available the night before from 6:00 PM- 9:00 PM. Doors open at 7:00 AM on Saturday for set up.

o We ask that, the day of the show, after you unload for the show that you move your car to an upper lot or near the district office so patrons of the show can park closer.

o Assistance is provided by our band members in loading and unloading for the event unless a performance is schedule the same day. However, the number of carts available for moving products is very limited, so if you have your own, it is advisable to bring it along.

o Due to space restrictions we ask that you stay within the space limits. If adjustments without permission are made, you may be asked to leave.

o No smoking is allowed on school grounds. This includes the building, parking areas, and grass covered areas.

o Students are available the day of the show to assist in getting crafter/vendors breakfast and lunch. Please check your registration packet the day of the show for a menu and more information.

o The Band Boosters hold a raffle auction the day of the show. We would appreciate a donation from each crafter/vendor. This is optional but greatly appreciated! Our game of chance license is available for viewing. Each crafter/vendor has a ticket in you registration package to provide information for patrons of the auction to where your stand is located. It also has a place for you to provide a business card.

o If there is any change to the event or cancellation to unforeseen circumstances, No Refunds. Please contact the chairperson for any changes as soon as possible.

o By signing the Application Form, you are stating that you read and understand these requirements and agree to abide by them.

All questions or concerns can be addressed by the chairperson or band booster member. To contact the chairperson please call/text (570-640-0455) or email (