Digital Arts Lab

A digital arts lab and grant programme for Bradford’s young people

With the announcement of Bradford as the 2025 UK City Of Culture, our city has become an exciting place for creative people.

We’re excited to build on this momentum and support our city’s most promising digital artists with six micro-commissions of £1000 each.

Though these commissions are small, we hope they’ll enable you to take some creative risks, find interesting collaborators and play with new technologies to make provocative art.

Our use of AI generated imagery

Two images on this website, have been created using Midjourney – a generative AI service created by an independent research lab. We know these technologies can use the creative works of others, sometimes without consent or credit, raising important questions about ethics and copyright.

As the use of generative AI is likely to become an increasing part of the creative process for digital artists, you might want to explore these issues and provoke some discussion of AI.

(You can see the prompts we used to generate our two images here…)

/imagine an open space with rubble pile of Minecraft blocks, a beautiful white lighting from the top, a young Pakistani woman stand on the lift side, hopeful and mystrey, highly detailed, 4k, intricate detail Canon 5D Mark IV, f4, ISO100, photorealistic still lifes, ad posters

/imagine A diverse group of young people working on a digital arts project Canon 5D Mark IV, f4, ISO100, photorealistic still lifes, ad posters