Great First Instruction


The intention of this website is to provide CUSD teachers a guide and resources for the four components of Great First Instruction (GFI), which are based on the SIOP model. These components were collaboratively selected by a team of CUSD educators as Great First Instruction for all classrooms TK-12.

GFI was developed based on contributions from teachers, administrators, and union representatives to reach consensus on strategies that focus instruction, so that all students can achieve disciplinary literacy at a Depth of Knowledge level three or higher. These strategies will drive professional learning within our district.

What does SIOP stand for?

Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol

What is Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol?

The Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol Model was developed to provide teachers with a well-articulated, practical model of sheltered instruction. This model is driven by current knowledge and research-based instructional practices. The SIOP model consists of eight components and thirty features. All eight components are strategies for teachers to use while making subject matter concepts understandable for students who are still developing English language skills. Although it was originally developed to help English Language Learners master content while still developing English language skills, SIOP has been proven to be beneficial for all learners.

Which components and features of SIOP are included in CUSD’s GFI?

Lesson Preparation: Content and Language Objectives

Strategies: Scaffolding Techniques Consistently Used, Promote Higher-Order Thinking Skills

Interaction: Frequent Opportunities for Interaction, Grouping Configurations Support Objectives

Review and Assessment: Assessment of Student Comprehension and Learning

Adapted from Making Content Comprehensible for English Language Learners, The SIOP Model by Jana Echevarria, Mary Ellen Vogt and Deborah J. Short.