Ball Skills

Here you will find information on tips to help your child succeed with throwing, catching, and kicking a ball, as well as ways to make it fun!


Children love balls skills including kicking. Kicking a ball is a foundational skill for future recreational activities.

To kick a ball, your child must first learn to balance on one foot. To stand on one foot, your child should:

  1. stand with his feet pointed straight ahead (not turned significantly inward or outward)

  2. lean his body weight over the foot he will stand on

  3. shift his weight onto the outside border of his foot--this may be especially difficult for children who have pronated feet (weight borne on the inside of the foot).

Click on this link for additional information on kicking and activity ideas!

Tips for kicking a ball


Tips to Teach Children How to Throw:

  1. Start with rolling

  2. Use a large ball and slowly decrease the size of the ball

  3. Choose a fun target to throw to, and keep it close to start. Have your child try to knock over items such as bowling pins, toys, block towers, or other fun items. You could also have them try to throw into an object such as a bucket, basket, or laundry basket. Or have them throw to you!

  4. Model underhand first, and then overhand throwing. Use hand over hand if needed to help your child. You can use verbal prompts as well. For underhand say "swing it by your side and throw". For overhand, say "bring it to your ear, and throw".

Tips: Start close, 1-2 feet away, and slowly move back once they master each distance.

Click below for some resources and activity ideas to help your child learn to throw and catch:

Throwing and Catching Activities

Click below on how to teach your child to throw a beanbag:

Tips on How to Throw to a Target