Mr Hutcheson

School Counseling Page

Hello and welcome to my personal website! My name is Dustin Hutcheson. I've been a school counselor with the Capital Area Intermediate Unit (CAIU) since 2004. I work in a wonderful program called Aid to Nonpublic Schools (ANPS).

I'm currently located at Saint Catherine Laboure School five days a week, where I've been since 2004. However, I haven't always been at SCLS five days a week, so I've had the opportunity to work in other nonpublic schools, including Prince of Peace and Saint Patrick's School in Carlisle.

I have Bachelor's and Master's degrees in education and certification in school counseling which I received from Millersville University in Lancaster, PA. As a professional school counselor, I follow ethical guidelines established by the American School Counselors Association of which I am a member. My counseling philosophy is student-centered and solution-focused. I believe that solutions can be best arrived at by focusing on personal strengths, positives, and what is already working in one’s life.

School counseling services are available to assist students with academic, social, and emotional concerns. Counseling services may include classroom lessons, group sessions, individual sessions, assessment, and/or consultation. Students may refer themselves for individual or group counseling or they may be referred by the principal, teachers, parents, and guardians.

Counseling services occur at a time that is convenient in the classroom teacher’s schedule. The number and length of individual and group counseling sessions vary and are established by the counselor and students depending on the presenting concerns.

When a student has been referred for counseling services, ANPS counselors are permitted an initial session with the student. However, in order for service to continue, the counselor must receive signed consent from all guardians having legal custody.

I welcome the opportunity to talk and work with parents and families on behalf of students. Please do not hesitate to contact me at (717) 558-8242 or I invite you to contact me and ask questions, provide feedback, or schedule an appointment to discuss your student's needs.