Field Hockey

Middle School Field Hockey   

Coaches: Ms. Foster and Mrs. Olsen

Athletic Director: Kim Church       email

Please email us with any questions, comments, concerns and kudos!  

Ms. Foster

Mrs. Olsen

Field hockey is open to any middle school student regardless of experience.  Athletes MUST have a physical and permission slip on file at the middle school by August 31 in order to participate. If you are planning on participating in middle school field hockey, you must complete the online registration on BEFORE you can participate.


We practice Tuesday through Friday from 2:30 to 4 on the high school field hockey field (grass).

Athletes must have proper clothing (gym shorts, shirt), sneakers, cleats, mouth guard, eye gear (optional but strongly encouraged at practice), shin guards (field hockey, not soccer), and a stick EVERY DAY! Please contact the coaches if you have difficulty acquiring equipment. 

First day of practice: TBA 

Game Schedule

Here is a link to the game schedule through the CIAC website.  Please note that the schedule is subject to change due to recent guideline changes, weather conditions or other factors.  We suggest that you sign up for alerts through the CIAC website.  Often this will provide you with the most up to date information.  Please check the schedule regularly for any changes.


Stick - What's the right size?  Does it matter what the stick is made out of?

If you are new to the sport or just developing your skill, be careful about buying a stick that is too long for you hoping to "grow" into it.  If the stick is too long it will be more challenging to control.  If it's too short, you will not have much power, making it more difficult to shoot and pass the ball effectively.  

Here is a comprehensive guide to help you choose (last check the video wasn't working, but scroll through the whole page for information)

Field Hockey Stick Buyers Guide