Expectations and Grading 

Reader’s and Writer's Workshop


Students are required to bring an independent fiction book to class every day, along with a chromebook or other device, and a Reader’s and Writer’s Notebook.  Students should also have a folder, plastic book bag, agenda, post it notes and something to write with (Students will have the option of a digital or paper notebook)

Reading Requirements - 20 to 30 minutes - three to four times a week

English 7 students are required to read a minimum of 75 pages per week and complete reading responses in class during the week. Class time will be given to work on responses, but the majority of the reading needs to take place at home.  If not directly assigned by the teacher, students will choose what to write from a focus sheet attached to the inside cover of the Reader’s Notebook.  A copy of that document can be found here:  Reading Focus - RNB Questions.  While reading, students are encouraged to keep track of information on post it notes or in their notebooks.  This information can then be used to produce the reading responses.  Reading work will be checked frequently and feedback given according to the Reading Progression Chart.  Not all reading work will receive a grade.  

Reading Progression Chart

Summative Reading Responses will be completed at least once a month during class time. These are an extension of responses already in the reader’s notebook.  Students will use the feedback given during reading conferences to deepen their thinking about reading and write longer about their reading.  These will be typed and turned in through Google Classroom.


Process and Growth The emphasis on reading responses is on the process.  What is the student learning?  How is the student demonstrating that learning?  Students will either receive written feedback on the responses or they will conference with the teacher about the level they have met on the reading progression chart. Weekly responses are a formative assessment and will receive feedback, not a grade. The feedback will give the student a clear direction for improvement and growth. It is the goal of the English department that through conferencing on the weekly responses, students will be able to make improvements and show growth before given a grade.  This formative feedback will occasionally appear in the grading portal as an indicator of progress.  However, only the summative (formal) assessments will count toward the grade.

Grading - Total Points

Only the summative (formal) responses will be graded.  Effort and volume of writing along with completion of work will be tracked.  This is will not be graded.  However, effort, volume of writing and work completion are all habits of students who will be learning and growing.

Student Reflection is an integral part of student growth.  This process allows students to gain a better understanding of who they are as learners and become active participants in their own growth.

The Redo/Retake Policy takes the place of any additional extra credit.  Some assignments may be redone for credit as long as the assignment has been approved by the teacher first. Requirements must be followed as stated in the policy.  Click on the link for more information.  Redo Retake Policy - https://goo.gl/sh2kW6

The Seventh Grade Reading Challenge is a reading goal for all seventh graders, but it is not a grade.  It is simply a goal to push students to read and read A LOT! We will revisit the goal throughout the year.  

English 7 Reading Challenge

Reading Challenge Bingo Board - students looking for an additional reading challenge should try to complete the Reading Challenge Bingo Board.