GMS Curriculum Overview

This Program of Studies is designed for students and families. It describes the general content and curriculum for each subject taught at Galvin Middle School. For more information about each department's content and curriculum, you can reach out to our Department Coordinators.

The Massachusetts Curriculum Frameworks outline specific content and skills to be covered in math, English/Language Arts, science and technology, social studies, world language, wellness, and the arts. Our responsibility as a public school is to teach a curriculum grounded in rigorous, public academic standards for what students should know and be able to do, in a manner that is relevant to the concerns of adolescents and based on how students learn best. All of the curriculum and instruction found at Galvin Middle School reflects these Frameworks and current best practices in education. The actual Curriculum Frameworks can be obtained from the Massachusetts Department of Education website (

At the Galvin, our vision is to be be a deeper learning school that prioritizes equity, social emotional learning and creating a culture of purposeful belonging so our students can realize their academic and personal potential. To achieve this vision and align with the CPS Strategic Framework as well as Massachusetts's Department of Elementary and Secondary Education's Our Way Forward, we teach the standards and our curriculum from an inquiry-based, project-based, student-centered lens. There will be times when this approach is specific to a class and other times when the driving question of a project guides the learning in more than one class. This approach to curriculum development is research based and allows for a meaningful and authentic learning experience for our students. Linked here are two resources to learn more about high quality deeper learning and how it leads to high academic success and achievement.

It should be noted that this Program of Studies is reviewed annually. As we continue to analyze our delivery of instruction, courses and course descriptions may change.