German 2a

German 2a - Fairy Tales and the Past Tense (and more)

This trimester focuses on five main grammatical topics (see below) but has one main theme - The legends and lore of ancient Germany. If you like myths, fables, and fairy tales, you are going to love this class! We will not only read, write, and watch some classic fairy tales (and alternative version) but we will also learn about the great Germanic hero, Siegfried.

Here are some of the main grammar topics that we will really dig into this trimester:

  • Past tense of normal verbs (and the use of haben or sein as the helping verb)
  • The infamous Der-Die-Das system and how it works
  • Prepositions showing location (dative) or destination (accusative)
  • Subordinating conjunctions such as weil, dass, als, and wenn, and how they influence word order (syntax)
  • Past tense of modal verbs; these are verbs that usually work with a second verb such as müssen, können, sollen, etc.

Here are some of the most important chapters in "workbook" format. Print out each topic and READ THE INSTRUCTIONS. If you really pay attention to what you are reading, you will learn a lot.

Topic #1 - Fairy Tale Vocabulary - Fairy Tale Vocabulary.pdf

Topic #2 - The