Guido Cavaletti, MD

Guido Cavaletti is Professor of Human Anatomy and Head of the Experimental Neurology Unit at University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy. He received his MD and subsequently his board in Neurology from University of Milano, Italy. He got his clinical position at the S. Gerardo Hospital in Monza, Italy, in 1990 and was appointed as member of the School of Medicine and Surgery of the University of Milano-Bicocca in 2001. He is the Director of the PhD Program in Neuroscience and Deputy Scientific Director of the Milan Center for Neuroscience.

His clinical practice and clinical/preclinical research are focused on normal and pathological features of the peripheral nervous system, with particular attention to translational studies on toxic and inflammatory neuropathies. He has served on the Peripheral Nerve Society Board of Directors and was president of the Italian Peripheral Nerve Association (ASNP). He is currently Associate Editor of the Journal of the Peripheral Nervous System and member of the Editorial Board of Experimental Neurology and Current Medicinal Chemistry. He is author of more than 280 peer-reviewed papers and co-author of several books.